Official Forbes Communication Council Member. I'm passionate about innovation, growth & progress.
Currently testing assumptions fast and turning insights into inspiration.
I am not the smartest person, I just keep trying, through the embarrassment, the disillusionment, the failed attempts and despite being marginalized as a dreamer... I seek out those who keep their dream alive just long enough to get things done.
Exponential Opportunities is the idea that our future is orders of magnitude beyond where we are.
We only lack the fortitude to stick to the vision long enough.
Today, discover one puzzle piece, try to fit it into what you're doing, toss it or note it as useful - and step closer to the vision.
Build a system for growth with scale & creativity behind every move. Look 10 steps past where you think you're going.
Let go...
"I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others..."
- Thomas Edison