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talking head type with an odd taste

5 months ago - 3 likes

HAPPY NEW YEAR (A week late!!!) The next video is coming along very nicely, and at this point I can tell you what it is on. It is on the well loved and admired TV show from the early 2000's (Technically 1999) Good Eats, and along with talking about some other great shows from around that time, I will be deep diving into why the show is so great and my personal history with it!!! I'm not sure on the length, but I'm assuming it's gonna be around 45 minutes give or take. I can't wait for you to see it!!!

7 months ago - 2 likes

The next video is still being worked on, but it's taking longer than I thought (Shocker), but I assure you it is really good, so good that hopefully some react streamer will reupload it and give me no credit good (Sneak Peak)

10 months ago - 2 likes

Hey! I made a video about good ol' JRO, you can watch that here (Update below as well)

It may be a while before the next video, as I want to try and make another longer video (30+ min), which means it's probably going to be the Fall before you see me upload again. It backfired on me last time since when I tried to make a video on "Holes" BGA Disney abused their copyright and just gave me a strike without giving me an opportunity to appeal.

See ya in October (Probably)

1 year ago - 1 likes

New video, going over some pretty bleak and sad animated films

Watch Here:

1 year ago - 1 likes

So I had made a 30-Minute long video about the movie Holes, but unfortunately it was claimed, I fought the claim with a dispute, rather than rejecting the dispute, the copyright holder just decided to submit a takedown notice and gave my channel a copyright strike, so the last 2 months have been for nothing, I apologize and I will keep making more videos, Thank You

1 year ago - 2 likes

Still working on the next video, it's gonna be another long one, similar to the Zathura and the Ice Spiders video

Watch those here:


Ice Spiders:

1 year ago - 1 likes

The Zathura Video just dropped, Happy Halloween

1 year ago - 1 likes

So, I had to take down the JoJo part 1 video for a few reasons

1. For whatever reason YouTube's bots put a copyright claim on it 2 years after I uploaded it, normally that would be an easy appeal but...

2. I tried to clip out one of the segments and that seemed to have made the video's audio fall out of sync and now it just looks and sounds absolutely horrendous.

I had already planned on making a video about JoJo part 2 anyway, so now when that video comes out I'll just remake my Part 1 review as well.


2 years ago - 0 likes

Which Ice Spider is the best

2 years ago - 1 likes

Woah Hey It's that guy who faked the moon landing probably, you wanna know more about him? Well do I have a Video for youuuuuuu!!!!