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Guangxi Xiaoyong v

6.7K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hello everyone, I am Xiaoyong From Guangxi, love to shoot li

小勇为了要一个小孩再苦的药,他都坚持喝下去,好男人哦 小勇去朋友家抓3个土山鸡拿回家炖,补身体最好了,很漂亮的土鸡 炮哥带小勇去找老中医拿药,小勇抱着最后一线希望,成功就在眼前 炮哥介绍小勇去大瑶山找老中医,看来这次小勇有希望了 小勇的检查报告出来了,情况不是很乐观,他不知道接下来怎么办 小勇公布了自己50万存款用在哪方面,装修房子娶老婆买车各个方面 小勇大晚上的走山路回家都快12点了,手上拿一根木棍有安全感 广西小勇创业养土鸡,扩大规模年收入预计超过50万 小勇和小七从桂林回武鸣娘家拜年了,拉一大车东西回去,亏大了 在农村好多人都不敢吃这种大货,对于小勇来说就是户外美食 小勇带老婆回到广西大山里面了,夫妻俩动手做晚饭,过小年吃大餐 广西的女人都很勤快,人又长得美丽大方,能娶到她这辈子都值了 小勇养土鸡年收入30万,在农村创业算成功了吗 小勇去干枯的鱼塘摸到50斤田螺,养几天拿回桂林老家爆炒 小七去地上挖到大货,小勇也要品尝一下,看看味道怎么样 小勇运气太好了,娶到的老婆愿意留在农村生活,努力不会有错的 小勇和小七又搬新家了,住在这里方便做事,创业加油吧 小勇为了给老婆改成花园,每天都在努力着 #广西小勇 #小七 #三農 小勇不想去城里买房子,竟准备把村里房子翻修这样压力不大 #三農 #广西小勇 #小七 Xiao Qi married into the mountain and Xiao Yong took care of him in every possible way. Celebrate Spring Fest with firecrackers & Xiao Qi#3 Rural Issues#Xiao Qi#Guangxi Xiao Yong 和小七来大表哥地里采摘年货,这萝卜真填呐 #三农 #小七 #广西小勇 小勇是小七家的长期工么? #广西小勇 #小七 #婚礼 小勇和小气结婚后,正式回门,都迫不及待的喊爸妈了 #广西小勇 #三农 #三农 Xiao Yong and Xiao Qi worship heaven and earth# Shorts Xiao Yong and Xiao Qi are going to get their certificates# Shorts Xiao Yong was fooled and spent 100 more to buy a pile of garbage# Shorts. Young Xiao Yong, Xiao Qi will laugh to death when he sees it# Shorts Xiao Yong's cool hairstyle, will Xiao Qi like it? #Shorts Xiao Yong and Xiao Qi are getting married more and more# Shorts Xiao Qi's vision is so good that the new clothes bought for Xiao Yong fit very well# Shorts Xiao Yong's persimmons are too perfect# Shorts Xiao Qi was very touched by the flowers made by Xiao Yong himself.# Shorts Persimmon peeling artifact, it's too labor-saving with this# Shorts Temperament came up in one go# Shorts Does anyone know what this fruit is called? #Shorts Women's minds are so hard to guess# Shorts Wearing this suit is the most beautiful boy in the countryside# Shorts 小勇來桂林旅行,等小七來找小勇#shorts【廣西小勇】 小勇去實體店看車子#shorts【廣西小勇】 小勇終於考過科目三#shorts【廣西小勇】 小勇說出跟小七分開的原因#shorts【廣西小勇】 小勇到達活動現場#shorts【廣西小勇】 小勇和小七合唱 #生活日常#shorts【廣西小勇】 城裏的生活原來是這樣子啊 小七相約小勇去看電影#shorts 小七很生氣,回家相親了!#shorts 趕緊全部收回家,不然就沒有了!#shorts