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DNA Classes by Namita Tiwari

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MP Board Class 12th Chemistry paper 2024.Check your answers Aldol V/S Cannizzaro Reaction Aldol Reaction & Aldol Condensation 12th Board Chemistry viva Questions #Class-12 Convert acetic acid to ethyl alcohol Lewis Symbols Calculation of limiting molar conductivity Limiting molar conductivity #Pseudo first order reaction EDTA#Ethylene diamine Tetra Acetate #Reactions of Glucose #Biomolecules #conversion of phenol to picric acid #Characteristics of Ideal solution #Colligative Properties #12th,NEET,JEE #Raoult's Law #vapour pressure of solution # Link of video: JEE #Relative lowering in vapour pressure Draw structure of 1-chloro-2,4-dimethyl cyclohexane 🙏🙏🙏 Oxidation state of Cobalt in coordination complex #MPV Reduction#For 12th NEET,JEE #Markovnikov rule #Electrophilic addition to alkenes #Molarity(M) #Molerity of pure water.#For 11th,12th NEET,JEE. #Alpha,beta carbon #Basics of organic chemistry #For 11th,12th,NEET JEE #Types of carbon #1°2°3°4° carbons 11th,12th,NEET,JEE. #Attacking agents- #Nucleophile #Electrophile #Free Radical#For 11th,12th,NEET,JEE #Clemmensen reduction#Wolff Kishner reduction #For 12th,NEET,JEE #Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones#For 12th NEET JEE. #Phenol & its nature #Acidic nature of phenol #For 12th,NEET,JEE Chemical Kinetics-V #Molecularity of reaction #for 12th, NEET,JEE #Chemical Kinetics IV#Trick to find units of Rate Constant(k) #For 12th,NEET,JEE #Chemical kinetics III #Rate Constant (k) #For 12th,NEET,JEE #Chemical Kinetics II #Characteristics of Order of reaction #Chemical kinetics-I #Order of Reaction #For 12th,NEET,JEE #Etherification #Williamson contineous process #for 12th,NEET,JEE #Friedel Craft Reaction #Alkylation #Acylation#for 12th, NEET, JEE #Amines & Basic Nature of amines #for 12th,NEET,JEE #HVZ Reaction #Reaction of carboxylic acids #For 12th,NEET,JEE. #Peptide bond & Structure of Protein #Class 12th, NEET. #Protein ,Amino Acids,Zwitter ions #Biomolecules #12th,NEET,JEE, #Haloform Reaction #Iodoform Reaction #12th, NEET,JEE #Perkin's Reaction #Cinnamic Acid- preparation & uses #For-12th,NEET,JEE #Benzoin Condesation #reaction of benzal #For 12th,NEET, JEE #Fittig Reaction #Biphenyl products #Reaction of Haloarenes #Class-11,12th,NEET,JEE #Wurtz Reaction #Reaction of haloalkanes #For 11,12th.NEET #Kolbe Reaction #Kolbe Schmidt Reaction#class For 12th,NEET,JEE. #Coupling Reaction #Reaction of phenol & aniline #For12th,NEET, JEE #Diazotization #Synthesis & Uses of diazonium salt For 12th, NEET, JEE. #Hoffmann Mustard Oil Reaction #Test for 1°Amine #For 12th,NEET,JEE