This channel is consecrated to the Virgin Mary and is dedicated to the most unknown and hidden apparitions of Our Lady (attacked and obscured by Satan and the False Church led by him) so that the Apparitions can shine like the light of the Sun and are luminous beacons for the salvation of the souls but mainly it is dedicated to the Apparitions of the Virgin of Reconciliation currently underway in Contrada Santa Teresa-Brindisi, the Last on Earth; devoutly praised by the Little Flock who remained faithful to the Holy Gospel of the Triumphant Lamb; composed of lay people, consecrated persons and priests, obedient to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Most Holy. In this holy place, Our Lady presents herself as the Virgin of Reconciliation, Queen and Mother of Hope, Mediatrix of all graces. The Virgin has revealed that whoever welcomes Her Message will be saved from the loss of true faith.