✨””My body is the Earth🌿and my Head is with the Stars””~Author unknown🌟🧝♀️💖…Hello:):):)💖💐🎇…((Alittle about me)):):):)💗I’ve had an Interest and felt a connection💕with the Stars🌟…fairies+angeLs🧚🏽♀️💕…unicorns🦄💕and the unseen Realm🌃💜for as Long as I can remember 🌷🦋💗💯💫In Kindergarten🌸,,,I remember stopping in the middle of the road one day🌤️👀Looking Up in the Sky,,,and asking myself Out loud…””What am I Doing here?!?!…Why was I born??””🫶🍎🍊💘…Thru recent Years,,,I’ve been studying,,,researching and learning about Astrology💕Kabbalah💕and other metaphysical💕mystical💕magical💕spiritual topics💖to expand my knowing for self improvement💛healing🧡and in turn✨to help others💝towards a Better world for ALL☮️🌎💞…Only since recent Years,,,have I had majority of my pics+videos😇💓🎇show how we are…In fact connected🌞🌹❣️🎇…to the Divine LoVing sunshine and in fact🌈sometimes rainbow❤️🧡💛🤍💚💙💜❤️💖…Through the❣️we Unite as ONE:):):)💜🌹🌞🌈🦄🌻💘🌃🥰 SpirituaL healer💎🦋🌸💗SpirituaL teacher💛🌻🎆💛🌻🎆