Sparks Academy started in 01.01.2014, by group of Indian Engineering Services aspirants to create awareness in Indian Engineering services ( Engineering Service Examination – ESE) and GATE / Public Sector Units (PSUs). To increase contribution of our students in Central Government Posts. To make our student technically sound. To train student community for various Technical and Non- Technical exams conducted by various recruitment bodies likes UPSC, SSC, RRB, TNPSC etc.
Conducted various courses for GATE / IES, TNPSC – AD/ AE, TNPSC – Group 1 (Prelims), TRB Polytechnic Lecturer
Only Institute in Tamilnadu giving constant result for TNPSC – Assistant Director ( Industrial Safety and Health ) – Mechanical from 2016
Only Institute in Tamilnadu giving constant result SSC JE Mechanical from 2014