Heads up; I shake a lot as a result of having a Stroke due to complications of Covid-19. So why am positive about my future, Simply enough, after 6 months of therapy I can walk and do most things. I’m lucky compared to others.
Brewing, Biking & stuff! I love biking though with a COVID-19 stroke last year, recovery and weight loss is more challenging then normal.
I’m into brewing beer and now at 58 starting to test out coffee, yep, I’m slow to get on the bandwagons.
Finally, Stuff! I am a prepper, not the evil kind that hopes for apocalyptic Armageddon, but the paranoid kind that feels something will happen and if we are not prepared we are more of a problem then a solution. So everyday carry ( edc ) and emergency bug out preparations. Along with possible grid down scenarios, hopefully temporary like as in 6-12 months. Example COVID-19 type of social breakdown along with the consumable distribution system getting over taxed by unprepared panic!
So prepare early and stay safe