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Coach Corey Wayne

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I Teach Self-Reliance. Life & Peak Performance Coach. Succee

Coach Corey Wayne
1 hour ago - 57 likes

ā€œFear of loss, attachment to the future, neediness and not staying in the present moment are often the reasons why potential friends, lovers, employers, etc. donā€™t want to be around you or want you in their lives. Actions and words based upon a low feeling of self-worth, a lack of self-love or a general feeling of inadequateness will cause you to give off a weird and awkward vibe around other people that repulses them. Relax, sit back, be patient and act as if what you want also wants you, and that you deserve what you want. If the feeling is not mutual, bless them internally and be grateful for what you have and where you are so you can keep yourself open to receive what you desire. Circulation is the key to the universe. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
4 hours ago - 87 likes

ā€œIf you are trying to discover what your purpose in life is or if you feel that your career or business has become stagnant, dull and boring, you should ā€œlook for the goosebumps.ā€ The ā€œgoosebumpsā€ comes from the thought of doing something you really love at the highest level and doing it really well to the point of giving you goosebumps. If you are still unsure, or if what you are thinking about doing is not emotionally compelling enough to give you goosebumps, bring tears to your eyes or make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, then keep searching. Like all matters of the heart, you will know when you find it.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
22 hours ago - 300 likes

ā€œMasculine energy is about purpose, drive, mission, succeeding, accomplishing, achieving goals, breaking through barriers, etc. Feminine energy is about opening up to receive love, bonding, connection, etc. In order to maintain the sexual polarity in relationships, men need to focus on the things that make a man a man so his woman will feel safe and comfortable enough to stay in her feminine and let him lead the relationship. However, if he fails to be the leader it forces her to move into her masculine to make up for his weakness. She will resent this and become bi**hy and distant. This destroys sexual polarity and creates unnecessary drama.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
1 day ago - 168 likes

ā€œLife is meant to be enjoyed and appreciated. The purpose of life is to have fun and live in the moment. Nothing lasts forever. Itā€™s always best to embrace opportunities when they present themselves. Whether it be meeting a spectacular new lover, making a new friend, or embracing a new business or career opportunity. When you get in the flow of life and live with gratitude, you open yourself up to new and exciting possibilities to manifest effortlessly. Follow your passion, curiosity and intuition. Trust in yourself and what feels right, it will never steer you wrong.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
1 day ago - 198 likes

ā€œFreedom is one of the keys to maintaining love and increasing attraction. Two people who come together to share their completeness will always form a stronger and more stable love bond, than two people who feel like they are missing something internally and seeking it in another. Why? When you seek the approval, love and acceptance of another as your reason to feel loved, validated, happy, whole and complete yourself, you set yourself up to constantly feel rejected, unloved and unappreciated because your happiness hinges upon the actions of your lover matching your expectations. The reality is, most people will never live up to your high expectations.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
1 day ago - 313 likes

ā€œOne of the most important skills you can develop to succeed in life is overcoming what you fear. Fear is the single biggest thief of peopleā€™s dreams. Therefore, what you fear, you attract. What you look at and face will disappear as the illusion that it is. Your fear of something is always greater than actually doing what you fear. Fear only exists in the mind. Most people let their fear of success, fear of failure or fear that they donā€™t have what it takes, hold them back from taking the action they know they need to take in order to accomplish their goals and dreams. Go for what you want, and especially go for it if it terrifies you. Your playing small serves no one.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
2 days ago - 306 likes

ā€œTrue friends build you up and support you no matter what you choose to do. People who are jealous of you, who want to be you, who envy your success or who hate themselves, are going to frequently get offended at you being you. You canā€™t please everybody. Some people go through life looking for reasons to be offended. Instead of trying to change who you are or be something you are not in order that you donā€™t offend people, be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. Why? Despite your best efforts to not offend or insult people, itā€™s going to happen anyways. So instead of making yourself miserable trying to live your life according to other peopleā€™s expectations, be happy and donā€™t associate with people who always find reasons to get offended. Itā€™s THEIR PROBLEM, not yours.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
2 days ago - 140 likes

ā€œBeing successful in life is as much about knowing what to do, as it is about doing what you know and doing it well. Excellence comes from learning good knowledge from those who know, modeling their success and successfully applying their wisdom. Knowledge is only potential power. If you donā€™t apply what you know, you have no advantage over the person who doesnā€™t even have the knowledge in the first place; much in the same way that a person who doesnā€™t read any good books, has no advantage over the person who canā€™t read them.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
2 days ago - 276 likes

ā€œSuccess tends to breed more success. When you get in the flow of life, youā€™re happy because you love your life and success seems to come easily, it will seem like everyone wants your time, your skills and your presence. The key is to know what you want, what your outcome is and what is most important to you in order to capitalize upon and choose the right options so your success continues to expand, instead of getting caught up trying to please everyone and be all things to all people. If you choose wisely based upon your most important goals and dreams, you wonā€™t get sidetracked and fall into careers, relationships and lifestyles that are not what you really wanted.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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Coach Corey Wayne
3 days ago - 267 likes

ā€œBefore anyone else will perceive you as a person who has high value, you have to act, think and believe as if you are a high value person in your own eyes. People tend to see us as we see ourselves. If you have a negative self image, others will see this, sense this and treat you accordingly. Since your belief is so strong, your actions, words and deeds will communicate your belief for you. It doesnā€™t matter if that belief is accurate or not. Therefore, make a conscious choice to see yourself as awesome, even if you have to fake it until you make it. Your mind does not know the difference between thoughts or imagination.ā€ ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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