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Azure Content : Annu

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Playlists: 1. Azure Synapse Analytics Real Time Scenarios :

Quiz drop 27 : Which trigger helps to backfill historical data #adf #datafactory #azuredataengineer Quiz drop 26 : How many nodes can be created at max in SHIR #datafactory #adf #shorts Quiz drop 25: What is the syntax for string interpolation in ADF #datafactory #adf #shorts Quiz drop 24: Default value of Quote character in Delimited text dataset #adf #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 23:Default value of Escape character in Delimited text dataset in ADF #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 22: Default column delimiter in Delimited text dataset #adf #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 21: Which format is supported as Source but not Sink in copy activity #shorts #adf #data Quiz drop 20: Which dataflow transformation is similar to left outer join in SQL #adf #shorts Quiz drop 19 : Which property means "Fire & Forget" when it's false in execute pl act #adf #shorts Quiz drop 18 : Append variable activity supports which format of variable #datafactory #adf #shorts Quiz drop 17: Which activity is used to intentionally throw error #datafactory #adf #shorts Quiz drop 16:Which integration runtime is not supported in Dataflow of ADF #datafactory #adf #shorts Quiz drop15: Can we use Foreach activity within another Foreach activity in ADF #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 14 : In which activity binary dataset is not supported #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 13 : What is the maximum value of TTL in ADF #adf #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 12 : Full form of TTL in ADF #adf #shorts Quiz drop 11: DIU can range between which of the options #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 10: What is the maximum number of parameters allowed in ADF Pipeline #datafactory #shorts Quiz drop 9: What is the limitation of data size look up activity can fetch at max #adf #datafactory Quiz drop 8 : How many number of rows look up activity can fetch at max #adf #datafactory Quiz drop 7 : What is the maximum timeout duration for activities in ADF Pipeline #adf #datafactory Quiz drop 6 : What is the minimum timeout duration for activities in ADF Pipeline #adf #datafactory Quiz drop 5: What is the default timeout duration for activities in ADF Pipeline #adf #datafactory Quiz drop 4 : What is the default value of batch count in Foreach activity #adf #datafactory Quiz drop 3 : Max allowed value for batch count in Foreach activity #adf #datafactory #dataengineer Quiz drop 2 : Which format is used ot represent ADF pipeline and its components #adf #datafactory Quiz drop 1 : Max number of activities allowed in single ADF pipeline #dataengineering #datafactory I love Hackathon #microsoft #microsoftlife #microsoftidc #microsofthackathon RoboRumble2023 | Tower of Triumph #microsoft #microsoftlife #microsofthackathon #microsoftidc RoboRumble2023 | Legends of Labyrinth #microsoft #hackathon #MicrosoftHackathon #MicrosoftLife Microsoft IDC LLM HACKATHON 2023 WINNER 🏆🥇 #microsoft #dataengineering #hackathon #openai #llm What are variables in Azure data factory #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory What are parameters in ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory What are triggers in ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #microsoft #cloud What is Integration Runtime in ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #azure What is Linked Service in ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #microsoft What are datasets in ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #microsoft #cloud What are Pipelines in ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #azure #microsoft What are activities in ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #microsoft #cloud What are the capabilities of ADF #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #azure #cloud What is ADF in a minute #shorts #adf #azuredatafactory #azuresynapseanalytics #azure #microsoft