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tiredIdeabox (Sammy)

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Hey there! I'm Sammy, and I'm a furry that SOMETIMES makes v

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
3 weeks ago - 2 likes

I'm tempted to say fuck it and make a half-hour long video on why the matrix is pretentious rubbish and why philosophical concepts shouldn't be used to make your movie good with nothing else to show for it aside from cool special effects.

I'm not against #deep films of any kind but the matrix is just bad.

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
1 month ago - 0 likes

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
2 months ago - 1 likes

So apparently i did a dumb dumb (somehow, idek how) and YouTube has now removed my ability to Pin comments and provide links in the descriptions of my videos, alongside restricting access to more "advanced features" whatever they might be. This might be the end of my channel, but hey, you never know. I'll just take it on the cheek and upload stuff regardless, if i get punished for it, then screw you too YouTube.

Anyways, i'm still able to upload videos and my channel isn't terminated (yet) so, just a minor setback.

Ik it's been over a month, going on 2 months now, and i said i was working on a new music thing but things have just been quite hectic lately so pls be patient with me. >~<

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
4 months ago - 8 likes

New PFP!

This is Xenia, she's an old linux mascot (CC0) made by Alan Mackey in 1996 that was initially made as a replacement for Tux, but ultimately never saw the light of day. But in 2019, CathodeGayTube on twitter found out about Xenia from her girlfriend AmyWrightDev and Amy proposed she be given the name "Xenia"

Alan, months later in 2020, revealed that he initially intended for her to be a boy, but thought that Xenia was a good name for her and that Xenia being trans matched a lot of the transitions of the nerdiest linux users he knew.

More info here:

I drew this pixel art of her in piskel and i took inspiration from CathodeGayTube's 2nd drawing of xenia. (at east i think it is.) I initially planned for this to be minecraft pixel art of cathode's drawing but instead i ended up using it as my pfp on discord and now as my pfp on my channel!

(also yes im also a girl :3)

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
4 months ago - 1 likes

So i've been trying to decode TECHDOG 7's track names and this is what i got when mapping each letter to a coloured pixel. T being the darkest and G being the brightest. (other albums and their track names yeild similar results)

It feels like i'm looking at an NES rom's raw data in a tile editor. Needless to say i'm at a loss for where to go from here or if i've hit a dead end. The dark patch in the centre and the patterns on the left stand out as well.

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
4 months ago - 3 likes

What's up goobers, I'm back from a convention and I'm happy to say that I'll be working on yet another tiny tune!

As always the tiny tunes are CC BY and you're free to use them however you like, commercial or otherwise as long as you give credit! (Linking to the video is best tysm)

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
6 months ago - 5 likes

I wanna say this and it's been bothering me for a wee while.

Don't let yourself be diverted by destructively negative criticism or drama, if they said they're sorry do yourself a favour and don't hold a grudge... I've made that mistake before and I've made myself look like a complete idiot as a result. :(

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
6 months ago - 2 likes

So you're no doubt aware that Pizza Tower didn't win the game awards this year, and even though it should have won by a landslide considering that this is the 2023 equivalent of Undertale being massively popular in its day (yes, even down to people calling it overrated), I still think that Pizza Tower has achieved so much in the span of less than a year. It's been bootlegged on Wish, Theories have been made by MatPatt, It's sold over 1.5 Million copies since launch, and most recently, it was nominated at the game awards.

Please don't attack the devs of Cocoon or its community for winning, they won and it's not their fault. I think it's possible the judges at the game awards wanted to give the underdog more representation and make it fair, but instead that came off as "WE DONT GIVE A SH%T IF YOU'RE POPULAR, THAT MEANS NOTHING IN THIS INDUSTRY." to die-hard fans of Pizza Tower. Essentially invalidating the struggles that Pizza Tower went through to become what it is now.

All i want to say is congratulations to Cocoon, and for the lovers of Pizza Tower, we don't need an award to celebrate the game's accomplishments. Don't be a sore loser, paisano.

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
6 months ago - 5 likes

I've put my Neocities website back online again, instead of seeing only a wireframe octahedron you'll now be able to browse my personal website that has a pretty sweet OST. (Thanks to Senn for the High Quality PLOK restorations, check their channel for more High Quality music!)
Anyway, here's the link to my website: (it looks very nice :3)

tiredIdeabox (Sammy)
7 months ago - 4 likes

This has to win.

Vote for the funny pizza man here: