Tamil Tennis Diary is an online tennis content channel that provides recreational and non-professional tennis match content that viewers can relate to in their own matches. There are a variety of playing styles showcased in the channel, such as big servers, pushers, counterpunchers, big hitters, slicers, and hackers. In addition, shows how to win against various types of players in real-life match-play.
We will upload tennis match videos more frequently! We try to provide our viewers with best-quality matches as much possible.
We are located in central Massachusetts. If you would like to play on our channel, we can arrange a match against a member of our team. You can contact us by using the comments section. In order to expand our tennis community and attract new players, we hold a few tournaments every year. In order to gain ranking points, most of the matches will be tracked at Globaltennisnetwork.com, USTA, and UTR.