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Marxist-Leninist Activist โ€ข Adult Toy Collector โ€ข Science En

1 day ago - 3 likes

NEW YouTube Video UP / OUT NOW On My Channel Link Down BELOW FOR MORE: - ; ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿฆ ๐ŸฆŽ ๐Ÿจ ...PURE EVIL The Vanilla Farming / Extract Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE) Africa, Animal Extinction, Artificial Vanilla, Biodiversity Loss, Capitalism, Child Labor, Colonization History In Food & Makeup, Deforestation In Madagascar, Debt Bondage and Famers Farming Practices, True Crime, Vanilla Cartel, Wildlife Conservation, ETC!!!

2 days ago - 6 likes

3 days ago - 11 likes

This is a total, Vibe, Honestly...

1 week ago - 2 likes

NEW YouTube Video UP / OUT NOW On My Channel Link Down BELOW FOR MORE: - ; ๐ŸŒฟ โ˜ข๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿœ๏ธ
...PURE EVIL The Legal & Illegal Cannabis Trade Industry A Growing Biodiversity & Environmental Concern, In this YouTube video I talk about How The Cannabis industry and trade is effecting biodiversity, climate change, and the environment all over the world as a whole in Places like Africa, South America, & The United States, This video is NOT about, The Drug war history or Big Pharma politics or Private Prisons, I've already covered and made videos on those topic's this is SOLELY about the Science research facts and statistics of the Cannabis industry's effects on Biodiversity, Deforestation, & Plastic Pollution, ETC!!!

1 week ago - 3 likes

NEW YouTube Video UP / OUT NOW On My Channel Link Down BELOW FOR MORE: - ; ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿฃ ๐ŸงŠ ๐Ÿœ๏ธ
...Alaska's Acidic TOXIC Orange Rivers & Salmon Fish Collapse From The Capitalism caused Climate Change Crisis, The Science Statistics Research as what the future could bring as in Biodiversity, The Fishing Industry, Indigenous People's Local Traditions, and Melting Permafrost and New Pandemics Files (DEEP-DIVE), ETC!!!

1 week ago - 8 likes

Capitalism the Economic model is a Psychopathic system that puts PROFITS OVER LIVES on a daily basis, Laws really ONLY apply to keep the poor in line the police ONLY serve Capitalism interests, Capitalism has always demonstrated indifference to human life, and intense disdain for human happiness, Living under capitalism is Misery, This can be seen in their constant fight to get laws changed so exploit more workers the anti-abortion laws going around is a clear example of it, When Osha violations happen and people are cooked alive or are UNALIVED they just pay a small fine of money $, They cause ecocide and environmental terrorism on a daily basis and only have to pay a fine once again, Cartel's are perfect example of Anarcho-Capitalism in effect, Bayer aiding the Fascists, Private Prisons using slave labor legally, Johnson and Johnson knowingly selling asbestos to be used on babies, Boeing knowingly selling unsafe airplanes, Banks committing fraud and debt bondage doing imperialism coups of countries, John Barnett a Boeing whistleblower who was testifying in a lawsuit, was found UNALIVED by a supposedly self-inflicted gunshot wound, Capitalist Pigs take out the whistleblower's, That said, those who knew the man seem convinced that he did not take his own life, including a claim that he had explicitly stated that any declaration of his suicide should not be believed, The Police departments and Medical Examiners have a bias and are paid off, ETC!!! These are the FACES the Victims Of Capitalism taken out by these evil Psychopaths

4 weeks ago - 5 likes

NEW YouTube Video UP / OUT NOW On My Channel Link Down BELOW FOR MORE: - ; ๐Ÿ‘ฎ ๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿš“
...Police Officer Ped0phile Predators Preyed On Vulnerable Pre-Teens In The Boy Scouts Police Explorer Program, ETC!!!

1 month ago - 4 likes

Happy May Day (AKA) International Workers Day...!!! โœŠ๐ŸปโœŠ๐ŸผโœŠ๐ŸฝโœŠ๐ŸพโœŠ๐Ÿฟ Here are a few (NOT ALL) of my YouTube videos on the topic of Workers Rights: - ;
The Food Delivery Services DoorDash & GrubHub (DEEP-DIVE):
The Carpet & Rugs Industry Files:
The Steve Irwin Family / Australia Zoo:
The DownFall Of SeaWorld Orlando Files:
The Oil, Nuts, & Vegan Milks Industry Files:
The Culinary Food Industry Files:
The Iron Ore & Steel Industry Files:
The Brick Industry Files:
The Engineered Stone Industry Files:
The Cruise Ship Industry Files:
The Fishing / SeaFood Industry Files:
Tiger King Files (DEEP-DIVE):
The Fashion / Textile Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE):
The Bird, Eggs & Poultry Industry Files:
The Pig / Pork Industry Files:
The AirPlane Aviation & Air Travel Airline Industry Files:

1 month ago - 5 likes

๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿฆฉ Happy Earth Day, So I'm going to be Linking SOME (NOT ALL) of my Earth Day themed YouTube video topics down below: ๐ŸŒฑ ๐ŸŒป

As A Communist aka a Marxist-Leninist it's our job to fight for NOT just Animal Rights Or Workers Rights, We must fight for mother earth and the Environment, The Earth gives us life the sun is the reason we are alive giving us warmth, trees and the ocean produce oxygen According to National Geographic, about 70% of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from marine plants and plant-like organisms, Bees play a key role in maintaining biodiversity and mitigating climate change through pollination, Liquid water is an essential requirement for life on Earth because it functions as a solvent It is capable of dissolving substances and enabling key chemical reactions in animal plant and microbial cells Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing aquatic marine life or swimming Drought can also elevate risk of wildfires, Capitalism treats Mother Earth like a Dumpster and We must stop it we must fight for our mother

The Floral, Lawn, Garden Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE) Decolonization Your Lawns & Gardens:
How US Imperialism Pollution Effects The Ocean:
Capitalism, Climate Change, Future Deadly Bacteria, Viruses, Disease Outbreak's? (Deep-Dive):
The Steve Irwin Family / Australia Zoo True Colors Drama:
The Logging, Paper, Wood, & Timber Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE):
Save The Bees, Capitalism & Climate Change Are Destroying Them Into Extinction (Deep-Dive):
The BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil & Shell Oil Industry Files, (Deep-Dive):
The REAL Dprk: - Debunking The Lie That Socialism Is Bad For The Environment (Deep Dive):
Why We Should Support Zoos, A Anti-Capitalism Perspective (Deep-Dive):
PURE EVIL The Sheep & Wool Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE):
The REAL DPRK: - Science & Wildlife Conservation + Biodiversity Work In North Korea (Deep-Dive):
The Fishing Industry / SeaFood:
The Beef Farming Industry / Corn MonoCroping:
The Fur Coat Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE):
The Bird, Eggs & Poultry Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE:
PURE EVIL The Hotel / Motel Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE):
The Gender Reveal Party Trend Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE):
The Cruise Ship Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE):

1 month ago - 4 likes

NEW YouTube Video UP / OUT NOW On My Channel Link Down BELOW FOR MORE: - ; ๐Ÿ’ธ ๐Ÿค‘ ๐Ÿ’ฐ โ›บ
...PURE EVIL How Removing Homeless Camps and Encampments & Arresting Homeless People Became A OVER $100 Million Dollar Capitalism Business, ETC!!! (SORRY About the Audio, I tried to fix it over 5 times I just have to make do with my laptop microphone I'm in a financially stressed situation and I CAN'T afford to spend money on Major Purchases like a New Camera to record with I had bought a camera while ago but I was defrauded on Amazon which costed me a lot of money and I'm homeless living in a hotel which is a money pit that I'm trying so hard to get out of and find a more stable place of living, So please bear with me I'm trying my hardest to get good audio and get the videos done well it takes me a lot of time I know I have a mic issue but there's really nothing I can do right now sadly about it I can only do my best)