I am a speaker, author, entrepreneur and coach. This channel is based on years of studying esoteric subjects like magick, sigil magick and hyper-sigils, self-development, health & fitness, the mind, conscious and subconscious, the secret, manifestation, meditation, theology and philosophy.
All these techniques and strategies I have learnt from successful magicians and millionaires; I have also spent time with coaches and mentors who have imparted knowledge onto me that I will share her with you also.
If you know that you are meant to be, do, have more than just a mere existence then this channel is for you. Please like, subscribe, share and comment to receive the weekly updates. I am taking questions and content requests; if you have a specific subject that you wish to know more about, please ask.
I will be posting a new video weekly that will be released on the weekends. My facebook page can be found at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009512920326&am…