A seasoned singer-songwriter Chucka Ducka was raised in Muncie, Indiana. Despite facing a series of testing challenges throughout his life, including the loss of his childhood friend Day Day and personal struggles, Chucka Ducka has embraced music as a guiding light.
With a profound love for music since the age of twelve, the artist has dedicated nine years to honing his craft. His bold and powerful music is a reflection of real stories and heartfelt emotions, turning personal experiences into relatable tales.
Chucka Ducka’s journey has been marked by both triumph and tragedy. The passing of his beloved Granny in 2016 and the memories of close friends like Pete, China, DR, Prob, Lo, Modoe, and Matt Grimes serve as reminders of the impact they had on his life. In the last two years alone, Chucka Ducka has released 20 albums and hopes to continually push the boundaries of his music.
For Features And Bookings Email: Chuckaducka0131@gmail.com