EQwip your headphones!
My name is Branden Eifrid, and I am a lifelong classically trained piano player and multi instrumentalist. I like music of all genres and styles. I wanted a place to post some improv/jamming videos, covers, originals, and sketches so here it is! Enjoy!
My gear (mostly):
- Looper: Boss RC-505 Loop Station
- Keyboard: Casio CDP-S350
- Keyboard amplifier: Roland KC-60
-Headphones: Sony MDR7506 Professional & Audeze LCD-X
- Main guitar: ESP LTD Viper 200FM
- Guitar amplifier: Fender Mustang III
- Main bass guitar: Dean Edge
- Bass amplifier: Kustom Deep End Series DE200
- Drum set: Pearl Export Series w/Zildjian Avedis cymbals and Evans Genera g2 drum heads
- Microphones: Sennheiser e825, Shure Unisphere I Model Pro CL565, & Proline Standard Dynamic Mic
- PA system: Harbinger M120
- DAW: Ableton Live using the Boss RC-505 as an audio interface (video editors - DaVinci Resolve and Adobe Premier)
-Cameras: Galaxy S22, Galaxy s10e, and Canon EOS Rebel T7