🎥 Why I Started This Channel
I found ASMR on this platform, YouTube, about a decade ago. I found it incredibly helpful for both sleep and anxiety. During that period in my life, sleep was a major struggle which was only exacerbated by my debilitating anxiety. I found ASMR to not only help me sleep better and reduce my anxiety, but ASMR was a safe space and a way to connect with others.
🎧 What is ASMR?
ASMR stands for
So what does all that mean? In layman’s terms, we’ve all experienced ASMR before in our life, but probably haven’t realized it. This acronym is meant to describe the tingling sensation that usually starts at the scalp and migrates its way down the spine to the neck, back, and sometimes the hands and feet. Due to this interest, more scientific studies have centered around understanding it. So far what has been uncovered is that it can help with mindfulness, reduce heart rate, reduce anxiety, and trigger dopamine.