Amidst the vast expanse of the Chavel nomadic channel, the once-unified family of 45-year-old Reza found themselves engulfed in turmoil and conflict. Tensions brewed into a violent storm, leading to heartbreaking confrontations where fists clashed and wounds, both physical and emotional, were inflicted upon each other. In the wake of the chaos, Reza's departure shattered the fragile fabric of their family bond, leaving behind a void where once love and warmth resided. Zeinab, Reza's wife, along with their young daughters Zahra and Fatemeh, were left to navigate the aftermath of the storm, clinging to hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty. As the echoes of their familial strife reverberate through the empty spaces, a plea lingers in the air—a silent wish for reconciliation and the restoration of the shattered family unity.
The videos of this channel are released at 17:00 PM Iran time