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I make whatever I want, whenever I want, and nobody can stop

22 hours ago - 1 likes

A very good friend of mine directed this incredibly short film last year, and I’m in it! Go take a gander if you so please, and be sure to leave a like and comment showing your support to the team :)

1 month ago - 0 likes

An EXCELLENT animatic made by my friend DogHouse 45

2 months ago - 3 likes

If you didn't already know, my friends and I host a D&D podcast right here on Youtube called Madness and Mayhem.

I just spent five months working on this animatic for it, if you so please you may watch it and subscribe to @MadnessAndMayhem for some funny times! But get caught up soon, the finale of season 1 is quickly approaching >:)

4 months ago - 4 likes

Stay tuned for a duel in the making..

5 months ago - 3 likes

Ho Ho Ho everyone! Today I come with a pack of goodies, specifically an interview I did some time ago with a fellow creator, Cleron! He’s a great guy and we go into all sorts of fun shenanigans throughout! Be sure to give it a watch and subscribe to him if you can!

7 months ago - 4 likes

The website, and the channel surrounding it.. have more secrets than you think.

7 months ago - 1 likes

Holy hell.

Go watch this, or if you don’t have time, watch it anyways >:)

8 months ago - 17 likes

1000 subscribers.

This is something that I never thought was possible. Thank you all for the incredible reception to the Calvin and Hobbes video and everything else that’s been created over the past 3 years.

When I first created this channel in 2014, it was because I had aspirations towards becoming a professional Youtuber, but I quickly learned that this felt hollow and directionless. Then, 6 years later, I returned from the darkness and began uploading during the quarantine, simply for the purposes of shits and giggles, and just as I did then, I shall continue to produce this content for the love of making it, and I’m deeply honored that this many people have taken time out of their day to enjoy it all with me.

Quickly, I want to thank everyone who’s ever helped me film or edit anything, so I’d like to thank my parents, Amelie, all of my friends (both new and old) and my roommate for the help and assistance they’ve given me over the years, from
“Bored in Quarantine” to “Sisyphus of the Office”.

Thank you to everyone who’s ever watched a video of mine, and thank you to everyone who’s subscribed to hop aboard this train. I can’t tell you where it’s going, but I can sure as hell tell you it’s not gonna stop :)

Understandably, it’s going to take a minute for me to produce an adequately sufficient, lore filled 1,000 sub special, but I can guarantee to you all that it’s cooking and on the way.


10 months ago - 5 likes

Ladies and non-ladies, as you all know, my uploads this month have been sparse and generally low effort, and I’ve come here today to announce why this is. Since a few months back I have been working on 3 large scale, high effort pieces of content for you all to enjoy, and I plan to release the first of these as my 100th video! The projects in question are:

1. “Why Calvin and Hobbes is the Greatest Comic Strip Ever Made” An in-depth video essay on the popular comic strip Calvin and Hobbes

2. “Sisyphus of the Office” a 7-10 minute live action short film

3. “Frank Eisenhower’s Summer Vacation” a sequel to one my personal favorite videos on this channel and the next chapter in Frank’s story

And with that, I shall return to the editing bay. Have a good weekend everyone!

1 year ago - 2 likes

Once again, I am coming to you all for a special announcement. My good friend recreated the Stanley Parable in Minecraft. The whole game. The map, every ending, every option, every possible route, Ultra Deluxe Edition, the whole thing. This down here is the trailer, and I’m insisting that you watch it, give it a like, subscribe to his channel, and then download the map.

Have fun, ladies and lads.