Hey everyone and wellcome to our channel!
We have three absolutely adorable bunnies that are too cute not to share with the world.
As the name suggests, they are 3 different levels of fluff:
The first level of fluff is Lux, our mini rex bunny. Because of the rex breed, she has a very short furr.
The second level of fluff is Sona, our black/white otter dwarf bunny. She is also our oldest at almost a year older than the other 2.
The last but deffinately not least level of fluff is Teemo, aka. Mr. Fluff. He's a little lion head with so much fluff that we actually have to give him haircuts so that he can see properly!
As some of you might notice from the names: Yes, we (my girlfriend and I) play League of Legends and the bunnies are named after the champions.