Welcome to Talk the Talk with Melody. My name is Cynthia Melody.I am so passionate about conversations on life and God.This channel hopes to be a safe space and a platform one could grab a lesson from. Expect conversations on
• Relationships and the friendship dynamics and why we need to strive for better and meaningful friendship bonds in life
• Spirituality, spiritual growth, developing Godly character and ministry at large.
• Economics and the whole scope of embracing diligence and faithfulness with our finances
Life lessons and our life stories and the lessons we have picked along the way through out our adulting experience, and what we are grateful for this far. FOR THE GLORY OF GOD.
NB: Everything spoken or said in this channel are from personal opinions depending on the different stages we are in life, and t and as a result the different lessons we have picked. #growthmindset #lifeisbeautiful
Instagram- www.instagram.com/cynthia_melodyke/