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Donna Reidland - Soul Survival the Bible for Life

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Proverbs 29.26 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #justice #godsjustice #trustingod Proverbs 29.27 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #christiansingles #proverbs #unequallyyoked Revelation 6.3-4 #bibileversetoday #verseoftheday #bookofrevelation #7sealjudgments #tribulation Revelation 6.1-2 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #bookofrevelation #7sealjudgments Amos 4.1 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #bookofamos #cowsofbashan #materialism #godsword Psalm 141.5 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #criticism #sovereigntyofgod #godsword Revelation 3.15-16 #bibleverseoftheday #verseoftheday #bible #lukewarmchristian #bookofrevelation Jude 3 #bibleverseoftheday #verseoftheday #falseteachers #christianity #doctrine #doctrinematters Proverbs 29.22 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #anger #strife #bible #proverbs Psalm 139.23-24 #verse oftheday #bibleverseoftheday #prayer #psalm139 1 John 5.13 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #salvation #salvationinchrist #assuranceofsalvation 1 John 5.14 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #prayer #prayertogod #godsword #godswill Matthew 28.19-20 #bibleverseoftheday #verseoftheday #mentoring #discipleship #greatcommission Psalm 139.4 #bibleverseoftheday #verseoftheday #god #heartknower #omniscient 2 Peter 3.17-18 #bibleverseoftheday #verseoftheday #godsword #bible #growingrace Proverbs 29.11 #verseoftheday #bible #bibleverseofthedaytoday #fool #feelings #emotions #selfcontrol 2 Peter 1.20-21 #verseoftheday #bible #bibleverseofthedaytoday #christianscripture Psalm 119.11 #verseoftheday #bibleverseofthedaytoday #biblereading #storingGodsword What is your plan for Bible reading in 2025? #bible #bibleinayear #2025 #biblereadingdaily Get More from Bible Reading in 2025! #bibleinayear #bibleinayearchallenge #2025 #listentothebible Psalm 29.1 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #gospel #salvation #gospeltruth #psalms Are You Resisting God? Proverbs 29.1 #verseoftheday #bibleverseofthedaytoday #God #psalms #psalm29 James 3.8-10 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #blessing #cursing #wordsofwisdom #wordsofgrace James 2.19 #verseoftheday #bibleverseofthedaytoday #beliefingod #faith #salvation #demons #theology Psalm 127.2 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #sweetsleep #peace #peaceofgod #peacefulsleep James 1.2-4 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #joy #trials #trialsandtribulations #joyinfaith Psalm 127.1 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #builtontherock #bible #sinkingsand #rightfoundation Hebrews 10.17 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #forgiveness Ezekiel 20.3 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #prayer #bible #idolatry Ezekiel 18.20 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #parenting #generationalsin #sinsofthefather Ezekiel 14.1-3 #verseoftheday #bibileversetoday #bibleverseoftheday #idolsoftheheart #idolatry Psalm 122.6 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #peaceofJerusalem #prayforJerusalem #jerusalem James 1.2-4 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #trialsandtribulations #trials #spiritualgrowth 2 Corinthians 5.9-10 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #goaloflife #pleasingGod #God #eternity Psalm 22.1 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #churchservice #church #religiousaddiction #religion Hebrews 4.12 #bibileversetoday #verseoftheday #bible #scripture #twoedgedsword Hebrews 4.16 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #throneofgrace #gracetohelp #prayer When It’s Hard to Pray John 16.33 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #prayer #tribulation Does Being Good Matter? #bible #bibleversesfortoday #bibleverses #eternalperspective Are You Discouraged? #discouraged #discouragement #bibleverses #bible #godswordtoyou #godsword Make a Difference #makeadifference #makeadifferencetoday #sharethegospel #encouragesomeonetoday Proverbs 28.1 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #anxiety #paranoia #fearandworry #proverbs #fear Jeremiah 36.22-23 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #bible #godsword #sufficiencyofscripture Jeremiah 34.18 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #covenants #marriage #biblecovenants Psalm 119.64 #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #knowingjesus #knowinggod #godsword #bible Disappointed or Angry with God? #God #bible #doctrine #doctrinematters #faith #biblestudy Women in the Church #womeninthechurch #womeninthebible #submission #bible #faith #chrisitianity 1 Timothy 1.18-19 #bibleverseoftheday #verseoftheday #finishingwell #finishstrong #bible #faith