in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
No upload today. Hopefully tomorrow or Monday. Anyway. Some of you know that I like eating Mcdonald's, especially the Filet o' Fish, and track the irregularities in the FoF's constructions. Well I also like eating egg biscuits for breakfast, and this morning's had a doozy of an irregularity. I got a McMuffin egg in my biscuit instead of the scramble!! Insane! And not only that, there was LOTS of egg shell in this. In their defense, it was about ten minutes before breakfast shut down, so I get it with the McMuffin egg. But the shells; come on! I didn't even realize there were shells involved at the franchise level. Aren't McDonald's eggs delivered by c-section?? Or created by protein synthesizers?? I invite your thoughts, Fishy Freaks.
508 - 91
Canned fish lovers: This week's video is delayed. Hopefully I can get it done soon. The editing is about half finished. I had a very busy week with my dayjob. The new video will be a survey of cans I was able to get from Walmart(!) on a trip to Secaucus, NJ. Let me take this opportunity to do a shameless plug for, where today I was able to upload a video review of a new tin from a new brand, Great Lakes Tinned Fish. It's typical content for my Patreon. You can go over there and do a free membership so you can peep the first couple minutes of lots of my recent videos. $3 is access to what is now a pretty significant library of informal reviews and other behind-the-scenes business running Canned Fish Files. See you soon!
583 - 46
Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers!
The people have spoken. Looks like I made a grave oversight in my recent review of kipper snacks.
This will be rectified with a review of the, apparently, MUCH-LIKED MW Polar Kipper Snacks that many of you mentioned in the comments. It's democracy in action! Or something! Have a great day, you fishy freaks!
386 - 75
Hey Brooklyn Friends, just putting it out there that tonight I'll be out at Rullo's in Park Slope participating in the Flatliners Variety Show. The gag will be that I'm IDing canned fish BLINDFOLDED. I know, right? Anyway, it's kind of a Gong Show format, so who knows how long people will have to watch me fumble around up there-- but YOU can come witness the spectacle and say hi while you're at it. I'll be hanging around a little while afterwards for some pinball either there or at Buttermilk across the street. It's at 8pm! Rullo's! Blindfolded fish hijinks! Drinks! How could it get better?
Otherwise, hope everybody's having a great Wednesday!
583 - 48
If you like sardines in a can, you might be surprised to learn that sales are exploding all over the world. The TikTok trend has caught on even in places like Tom's Food Center in Okemos, Michigan, where highly descriptive signage lights a path to the tinned treasures sought by devotees of seafood conservas. Matthew Carlson, a TikTok-er with virtually no following, expressed excitement at the array of species and preparations found in this grocer's canned goods aisle. "I like sardines a lot. They have some good mackerel here too. They have a shiny foil cover. I wish the sardines had a shiny foil cover. That would blow my mind."
This picture was taken a couple days ago. I just thought the sign was funny. Not a ton of options here at Tom's, but I could survive. Now I'm back in NYC, getting to work on the next video. Everybody have a safe New Year's Eve and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
1K - 172
Happy post-holidays-pre-new-year, Fishy Friends! I'm in that bizarre post-Christmas timeline where one finds themselves browsing the canned fish selection at a Marshall's in Michigan. Hope everyone's doing well. Can't wait to see everyone in 2024; plenty of fun cans on deck for those tuned to the Filez! Call to Action: What is the weirdest place you have found canned fish?
613 - 78
T-shirts! JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Two designs in many fashionable color combos! Cheaper than a can of Gueyu Mar! About the same as those tins from Times Square!
Believe it or not, people have asked. It's a great way to support me. It's a great way to confuse people who are unaware of hyper-obscure youtube sardine videos. But it's also a great way to let people who know know you know!
I designed the shirts. It's my first time, so we'll see how it goes. If you've got a great design idea, tell me about it, maybe we can make it happen if there's enough interest.
I'm wearing a shirt (which has a slightly older design) in one of the pics. It's nice! I'm 6'2" and it's a L. Comparably sized to other "internet shirts" I've ordered. I don't machine dry my t-shirts, so they don't shrink on me. If I was gonna dry it on "high" I would have ordered an XL. You guys are adults, you can figure it out!
117 - 26
The Filez passed 30k subs a couple days ago. I want to thank all the folks that have tuned in over the past few years, obviously I can only celebrate these little milestones because so many nice people have subbed. I'm always humbled by subscriber numbers, because it's such a deliberate way to support a channel. Also, the encouragement and enthusiasm I get from the viewers (both in the comments and seeing folks around r/cannedsardines) has been so great, and I'm so grateful for it. So many of the things that have become "Fish Files things" or have shaped the sensibilities of our corner of the conservas culture were originally ideas from viewers. I can't remember who exactly is responsible for every bit of inspiration I've received, but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! The continued feedback loop has been so rewarding. I hope we can keep the groove going for a long time! Thanks again!
248 - 43
We're giving tiktok a shot. @fish_uncanned
For now, if you're a hardcore Friend of the Files, it's not really new content. But if you do tiktok, there is more to come. Kind of mirroring the preview concept that I'll be employing with yt shorts.
Listen, if you don't do tiktok, it's because you don't need to and you're not missing out on anything!!
Love to all the Fishy Freaks tonight!
103 - 10
What do you guys think about a livestream where we watch "sardine" videos on YT together and I kinda react to them? Kind of a longer form thing, so a little bit of a hang.
80 - 28
🐟 Welcome to the home of CANNED FISH FILES! 🐟
It's exclusive fish videos, early releases, channel updates, and behind-the-scenes stuff. Hours and hours of stuff is archived there. Plus the other supporters are a very chill hang and we rap about all kinds of stuff in the comments.
Channel Art by Liv Garber