Set in Pasadena, California, the show is about two fictional Caltech geniuses, one an experimental physicist, Leonard Leakey Hofstadter, and the other a theoretical physicist, Sheldon Lee Cooper, who live across the hall from an attractive blonde waitress and aspiring actress, Pennelope "Penny" Teller-Hofstadter . Leonard and Sheldon's geekiness and intellect are contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense. An aerospace engineer, Howard Joel Wolowitz, and a particle astrophysicist, Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali, are their equally geeky and socially awkward co-workers and friends. They are the kind of "beautiful minds" that understand how the universe works, but none of that helps them interact with people, especially women. As the show develops, each male finds his female counterpart, though Raj is single at the end of the series.
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