**Craft. DIY Projects**
I have loved crafts and diy projects since I was a kid. I've preferred legos and play doh's over dolls and stuffed animals. You can find paper crafts to polymer clay craft tutorial videos in my channel. :)
**Random Lifestyle/Vlog Posts**
I would love to share bits and pieces of my life to my subscribers and from time to time I will post some vlogs here in my channel.
**Sharing makeup and skin care ideas**
I still love makeup and skin care but you probably won't be able to see this often in my channel. I am just not good at explaining scents and it's quite hard for me to rave about a product I couldn't have enough words to explain! :p
Instagram: @MegBeautySwatch
Blog: TheGallymoggers.blogspot.com
For business inquiries only: meg.devera@hotmail(dot)com