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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank

10K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Rebeckah flows in the apostolic, prophetic gifting. This ch

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 5 months ago

The storm in America is significant in the beginning of seeing prophetic fulfilment of the word of God released on 24 March 2024.

I qoute from the prophecy...

"Wake up, wake up My children! For I am about to blow this house of cards that you have built with the breath of My mouth. For I will unleash the winds of heaven, yes from the 4 corners of the earth.

I am releasing the winds of heaven, and wherever it blows, it shall destroy and nothing shall be hidden from it. I shall blow upon these houses of straw that you have built, for it is nothing in My sight. This great kingdom that you have exalted yourself with oh man.

I shall blow on it with the breath of My mouth for judgement is at hand.

My children, do not fear but take shelter in Me. Remember I command the wind and therefore, take up your authority in Me as My child and as a part of My Kingdom, and command the wind and it shall not come near you.

You shall look upon it as it destroys all those around you but it shall not touch you, it shall not come near you, for I am your God, and I have spoken."

This is just the beginning. We will see these storms intensifying and spreading world wide. The destruction shall be immense as even cities and nations are destroyed by wind, water, fire and earth.…

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 10 months ago


11 Years ago, at about this time, I had a radical encounter that would change the course of my life as I knew it.

It was a day like every other but unbeknown to me, it was a day where I was about to change forever. It was the day the love of God was about to steal my heart forever.

I got the kids ready for school like every other day. Packed their lunch, kissed them goodbye and watched daddy drive them to school.

I decided to get some fresh air in my garden and started walking towards the back door. I had no idea who was waiting for me in the garden!

As my feet touched the outside pavement, I suddenly became aware of a holy presence around me. I had never felt anything like it before! I couldn't see anyone but oh the power of a holy, holy presence swept me off my feet and took my breath away. I immediately started crying.

At the time, I had never heard of the Holy Spirit and therefore I thought, this must be an angel. But His presence was so strong it broke every resistance in me and took me to a place I never imagined existed. A place where holiness fills the atmosphere.

What I did not realise, was that I was standing in the presence of the living God! Even though my eyes could not see Him, His presence was undeniable.

As I stood there weeping, looking around and trying to make sense of this with my natural mind, my physical eye sight suddenly changed.

It was as if God lifted the veil and allowed me to see as He sees for a moment. What I saw was a world that suddenly became brighter. As if light had suddenly flooded everything around me.

And what I saw next is difficult to explain. But I try as best as what I can with a limited language that does not have the words to describe what I saw.

I could suddenly see INTO everything around me. In the plants, the trees, the skies, the birds and everything in my vicinity, I suddenly SAW the love of God. It was like I could see His creation power woven into everything around me and it was formed in LOVE!

No, this wasn't some sudden realisation as many have by looking at nature that God's beauty and love is in His creation. This was SO much more than that. I was given eyes to see something that humans NEVER see. A glimpse of the truth of a world created by a loving and powerful God. It was like the very DNA of everything around me had love written into it. The Creator's love. And it was breathtaking and shocking and so many things all at once!

I don't know how He did it. It wasn't a vision and it wasn't a dream. It was as real as anything I had ever seen with my eyes my entire life.

I am sure Moses felt the same when he encountered a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. His physical eyes saw it happen! It wasn't a vision. It was an encounter with the living God!

My husband came home about half an hour later. I was still standing in the garden, weeping. He walked around the corner of the house and saw me crying. He started walking towards me to ask me what was wrong, but as he only got a few metres away from me, he too felt the Holy presence surrounding me and also started weeping!

He walked over to me, put his arms around me and we stood there holding each other and weeping. We didn't have to say a word.

That is the day I changed. I repented of my sins and gave my whole heart to Jesus as my Saviour. At this point, no one had ever preached the Gospel to me. The Holy Spirit Himself convicted my heart and gave me understanding as to what Jesus had done for me.

The Holy Spirit shared the Gospel with me!

Now I have been commanded to share this testimony far and wide, because the God of the universe is about to reveal His love to mankind as He did to me that day. We are about to encounter Him as Moses did, as the disciples did with Jesus, and many others in the bible did.

My life is a testimony of the will of God for us in these last days we are living in.

Share this testimony far and wide to tell the bride that she is about to encounter Him in ways she never dreamed possible!

Rebeckah Erlank

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 11 months ago


I have been watching the events unfold in Israel the past few days. I am sure many are shocked although we all knew biblical prophecy would come to pass sooner or later.

As I started contemplating what this meant for the prophetic timeline we are in and what would occur in the world now, I started feeling a sorrow creep into my spirit.

Today I sat and allowed the Holy Spirit to just minister to my heart regarding Israel, and this time a flood of sorrow erupted from deep within me. As the tears streamed down my face, I realised Father was leading the emotional response within me.

That's when I heard Him say, "This is the beginning of the time of great sorrows.'

I realised the world had entered into a new prophetic timeline. A time where pain and suffering would become unprecedented. Sorrow would grip the hearts of countless people all across the world. It is like a clock has been set in motion and it is counting down now to the most important event in human history... The return of the Son of the living God.

I sensed in a moment the rapid escalation now that will occur on the earth in wars, famines, pestilence and natural disasters.

I was reminded of Jeremiah when he warned Israel for years to turn away from their sins unsuccessfully. He experienced great sorrow when he watched his nation overwhelmed by sorrow in their sufferings.

This is the kind of sorrow we will soon see again. This is the times of Jeremiah.

Our only hope remains Jesus and therefore we take heart and we endure with courage because we serve a God of hope. Our hope remains steadfast. Whatever we have to endure, He will be the wind beneath our wings and He will not forsake those that hope in Him.

John 16:33 TLV
These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have shalom. In the world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world!”

Lamentations 2:18 TLV
Their heart cried out to the Lord: O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night. Give yourself no relief, your eyes no rest.

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 11 months ago

As we see Israel at war, I was reminded of the word of the Lord 3 years ago to me for Israel.

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 11 months ago


Join me for a live service on Telegram @ 5:30 to 7:30pm.

I am sharing my testimony tonight and teaching on salvation.

I will also be praying and prophecying over a few after the service.

See you tonight.

Shalom ❤️

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 11 months ago


My husband had a dream about a week ago.

In the dream, the Holy Spirit explained to him that there are difficult times that are coming to South Africa. He told him that each region and town were going to experience rationing of food.

The government and major food suppliers are going to decide how much food gets sent to an area. The area will only get what it has been allocated and nothing more. People in the area will only be allowed to buy a certain amount of each food item per month.

This comes on the back of a word the Lord gave me in 2022 of a coming famine.

Now we see that because of the severe outbreak of bird flu in our chickens, Woolworths and Pick & Pay have decided to start implementing rationing of eggs in their stores. This is going to get much worse as our supply of eggs and chickens start dwindling because of the bird flu.

We have warned people for so long now to become as self sufficient as possible and to gather a group of people in your own communities to rely on to trade with, and support one another in your food supply.

If you have not yet done so, now is the time to begin, before it's too late.

David and Rebeckah Erlank…

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 1 year ago

Join our Telegram channel to participate in tonight's live stream for prayer and prophecy.

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 1 year ago

Please join our Telegram channel to connect with us and to receive biblical teachings and prophecy.

Prophetic voice @ Inspired by Elohim

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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 1 year ago

And so the fight carries on between man as they seek the answers to a growing crisis. One side points the finger to the other and vice versa but none are willing to turn to the living God who declared it before it even began.

Father have mercy on this stubborn and stiff necked generation.

May our eyes open to seek You and Your ways for You alone hold the answers to our troubles.


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Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
Posted 1 year ago


We are blessed to announce that the Holy Spirit inspired book, the Kingdom of Darkness, is now available for free on our website.

All you have to do is register and create your own login details. Then you will gain instant access to the book in an online course setting.

Share the news with everyone you know and help others find their way back to Jesus.

Be dilligent to work through each chapter, and your relationship with Jesus will be deepened more than you can imagine.

Let us know on Telegram or, if you have any questions.


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