The Holy Prophet (Allah’s blessings and Peace be upon Him) said, “The best among you is the one who learns the Holy Quran and teaches it to others (Narrated by Sahih Bukhari). We endeavor to promote comprehensive understanding of the Holy Quran / Quran Fehmi in an unconventional, impartial and neutral way. This is an attempt to explore the formulas and treasures hidden in this Glorious Book in research oriented and scientific manners for better understanding. A lesson by lesson / step by step approach is followed by using Arabic root words explained in Urdu / Hindi and English for easy learning of the Quran. An effort is made for simple explanation of the Arabic text of the Quran in Urdu/ Hindi in an informal style. In this process we learn ourselves and share our understanding with you all.
Who we are?
We are a group of knowledge seekers from various walks of society, inspired by His Grace Khawaja Shams-Uddin Azeemi, on an expedition to explore the wonders of the Holy Quran.