公共政策研究院匯聚社會精英智慧, 整合學界專家洞悉、協同公營機關卓見,為治港理政出謀獻策,發揮智庫功能。研究院的覆蓋範圍包括土地房屋、經濟發展、科技創新、文化藝術、醫療衞生、青年、教育等領域。研究院透過主流媒體和社交媒體、以及自身的線上線下平台,向主要持份者及公眾呈示研究結果及推廣政策建議。
The Public Policy Institute picks the brains of Hong Kong’s top talents, taps the insight of the academia, and pools the expertise of the public sector to contribute policy ideas as a think tank covering a full range of areas including land and housing, economic development, innovation and technology, arts and culture, healthcare, youth, and education. Through mainstream media and social media as well as online and offline platforms, the Institute presents its research findings and promotes its policy ideas to key stakeholders and the general public.