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695 subscribers - no pronouns set

im not a rubix cube i swear

1 year ago - 3 likes

I'm not done yet.

2 years ago - 2 likes

Let's go Fall Guys is going free tomorrow, possible stream

2 years ago - 4 likes

Morbius is officialy the best movie of the century, this movie has gathered Morbillions of dollars and should be broadcasted everywhere, the movie itself turned all of my friends into absolute giga chad, the simple process of watching the movie once simply gives you the true mindset, the movie promotes Chadism in every single scene and should be endorsed, people who despite having the gift to live hate on the movie should be tortured daily and rot alive, this movie is simply far too amazing and everyone should watch it daily to earn the best mindset, society itself could evolve daily because of this movie, watching it in 4K is a true privilege that I have had the chance to get and everyone should, the Samsung TV's and LG TV+ should not be in the market they rightfully deserve to be replaced and rebranded to the Morbiusly Nice TV, this TV features the Morbius movie 24/7 and lets you experience the true birth of the chad within you, Marvel/Sony should have a partnership with every TV brand to rebrand them into the Morbiusly nice TV and society will have it for free and can buy the plus version for 9,99$/month to get the 4K version daily and a signed Morbius comic with weekly lessons on how to be Morbin'

2 years ago - 6 likes

those are some nice analytics thank you random citizens

2 years ago - 8 likes

fr bro everyone keeps making jokes like if its april fools can someone like explain this is getting sad 😔

2 years ago - 9 likes

Removed some of my previous and new Spiderman videos, found them a bit cringe and not so well edited and decided to remove them since I want to focus on quality and not just abuse green screen, probably will end the Spiderman video era on my channel and move towards video games (Brawlhalla or Minecraft)

2 years ago - 9 likes

Let’s go I just got my first credit card! Can’t wait to use it

2 years ago - 8 likes

Haha that's funny imagine if he really ran for presiden-

2 years ago - 7 likes

youtube still hasnt fixed this “little” problem

2 years ago - 9 likes

I will do a face reveal the 31th of February