A warm welcome from my soul to your soul to my world*universe. Take what resonates, may you're inspired and supported by me showing what I am passionate about and what helped me to grow on my path.
This channel is about different viewpoints, cultures, languages, rituals, travel, vegan food & nutrition, arts, creating, spirituality/beliefs, self-empowerment and daily life.
I am german-hungarian and have lived in both countries. Feel free to reach out & connect with me on my social media in these languages or in English or French.
Currently I'm living and traveling in South Korea, immersing myself into this beautiful language and gorgeous culture.
I have a channel in German, feel free to check it out: Bunte Balance
(meaning: colorful balance. I believe in many traditions & techniques and each being is an individual with many colors and facettes, so what is right for me might not be your choice)
Wish you the very best for your life and journey,