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VenkatFin Tamil

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VenkatFin offers the information to buy the best insurance p

VenkatFin Tamil
1 day ago - 5 likes

Parents should be careful about ensuring their health is good. Many people consult me seeking advice on how to secure appropriate health insurance coverage for their parents. On a personal note, if you know you have diabetes, even if you believe that you are alright, a regular visit to the doctor every few months helps you keep track of your sugar level. Kindly do not assume that you are okay on your own. We have the best doctors in Tamil Nadu!

Photography - Circa 100 BC. A beautiful village between Thanjavur and Thiruvarur!


VenkatFin Tamil
3 days ago - 2 likes

People lead diverse lives with varying income statuses. Every day, I encounter individuals who earn a decent income, as well as those who earn an average of less than Rs. 35,000 a month. Life is not easy for the vast majority of Indians. Insurance is a domain in which we can learn about people's lives and how they manage their families.

Thanks for your trust in me Tamils


VenkatFin Tamil
6 days ago - 3 likes

There's a reason why I request people working in corporate India and NRIs to buy health insurance for their family without trusting their corporate group cover. Every single week, atleast 2-3 mother's call me randomly asking possibility of getting health insurance for their kids after they face a major health issue. Believe me, if you are in low income, I understand reasons for not buying. But even people who earn well are not realizing once a child has major health issue, it becomes hard for you to get exclusive health cover from any of the 33 companies in India. Health insurance has become expensive but your children might live in this country for another 80 years. I write this from my heart.

WhatsApp me for consulting session : (91) 9384716268

VenkatFin Tamil
1 week ago - 6 likes

I am honestly worried about men and women who earn less than Rs.50,000 a month. It is very difficult for them to manage life if they are married and have children too. Maintaining a health insurance policy gets expensive as they get old. Sometimes when I go to sleep, I think about these people who consulted me.


VenkatFin Tamil
2 weeks ago - 1 likes

There's too much of hype created on YouTube for Quant Mutual Fund issue. Even I made 2 vids. But honestly, most investors are well educated in financial markets these days. So they know that their money is safe as issue pertains to Quant MF and not the companies they invested in. Having said that this investigation also makes us trust the process established by SEBI.


VenkatFin Tamil
2 weeks ago - 1 likes

I do not trust any life insurance companies fully. Always keep the process clear and educate the customer on their rights.


VenkatFin Tamil
2 weeks ago - 2 likes

I made to ensure people make use of my service only if they find value in it. Recently, I found one of the health insurance company I had recommended before 1.5 years receives lots of complaints. So during renewal please call me and ask if it's good to continue or do porting. This message is only for those who consulted me 1 year back.

The advantage of being a consultant is that I ask my clients to port to a better company when I see the company I recommended is not ethical. Sometimes we trust a brand but eventually they start to annoy customers. My responsibility is to take care of people who trusted me. The worst part is many choose to buy online after consulting me. So I can't help it.


VenkatFin Tamil
3 weeks ago - 3 likes

Your happiness also depends on how good your neighbour is. That depends on their health and financial wellbeing. Similarly, I wish to address how people in various walks of life and work consume insurance and investments. Today, I made a video about how temple priests are consuming health insurance and investments.

To me, an ordinary Indian earning Rs.20K monthly income is as important as an NRI with 1.5 Crore annual income as Everyone should protect their family and create wealth for their future. A good state and nation is one which secures every life no matter what their income status is.


VenkatFin Tamil
3 weeks ago - 5 likes

Guys, The US Federal Government has spent $2 Trillon more than it has raised in taxes last year. I am deeply worried about economic situation in the US. Not all is fine there. Some banks are suddenly collapsing. Atleast in India, we worry about market crash while investing in mutual funds or equity. In the US, even their version of fixed deposit called CDs seems to be scary in fear of what if the bank might collapse.

As noted by The Economist, in the past year the federal government “has spent $2 trillion. More than it has raised in taxes"—despite the lowest sustained unemployment rate in 50 years Of course, the pace cannot be continued, and anything that cannot continue apace forever will have to stop at some point. However, the prospects for cutting spending, raising taxes, or finding large increases in deficit-offsetting productivity do not seem to be in the offing.

I see India and United States of America as two eyes and we can't live peacefully without either of the one. US economic growth is important for IT employees to sustain their job. The Indian equity market closely follows US market and hence it deeply impacts millions of Indians investing in direct equity and mutual funds expecting better returns or retirement corpus.

Let's pray for the US as much as we pray for wellbeing of India!


VenkatFin Tamil
3 weeks ago - 2 likes

Since I have done several consulting sessions for those who already got a health or term insurance, I know how these insurance companies react when there's an issue and we reach them for support. Most people from Tamil Nadu like to buy online. So people like us have a very small or tiny share of business. Am pretty sure all these people who got online will need support of people like me in future because currently those who bought online 2 years to 5 years back are consulting me. Just that I might move on to some other work in future.
