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The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments

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The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
1 week ago - 0 likes

There is so much power in telling your story. We hold so much fear on top of the parts we think no one should be burdened with. The fear is that people will hate us because of it.

Lindsay's story is a hard one to share. She kept much of it bottled up inside because she didn't want to be a "burden" to others. But after a very serious pivotal moment, everyone finally knew her secret. And they showed her love and care.

The essence of Lindsay's story lies in the importance of choosing the right people to share your journey with. Those who truly care will stand by you, while those who don't were probably never meant to be a part of your story.

Watch Lindsay Ensor's story on The Life Shift Podcast today.

Big thanks to The Young Fables for inspiring this connection with Lindsay.

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
1 week ago - 0 likes

Tomorrow's episode of The Life Shift Podcast is a fitting way to end #MentalHealthAwarness Month. Lindsay has struggled with mental health concerns her whole life. And, at one point, they drove her to try to end it all. But she survived and now uses her voice to help others seek help and make it through the challenging times.

Here's "An Ode to Overcoming" - an AI-developed poem in honor of Lindsay Ensor

From a world of laughter, into one of grief,
Lost in the chaos, she sought for relief.
Anxiety, her constant shadow, her silent thief,
In the hustle of life, her stay was brief.

She found solace in academia, in songs so sweet,
In the rhythm of life, where heart and melody meet.
Anxiety, her muse, in every feat,
In every performance, she refused defeat.

Motherhood brought joy, and challenges too,
Her strength tested, her fears anew.
Through the labyrinth of life, she bravely flew,
In the face of adversity, her courage grew.

In the depths of despair, a beacon shone,
A helping hand, she was no longer alone.
Diagnosed, understood, no longer a clone,
In her darkest hour, her resilience was known.

Now a speaker, an advocate, her voice rings clear,
A testament to her journey, far and near.
In the face of stigma, she shows no fear,
Her story a beacon for those who hear.

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
2 weeks ago - 2 likes

I have a problem.

Apparently, I like to design my own clothes.

They all just happen to be supporting The Life Shift Podcast.

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
2 weeks ago - 0 likes

Mental health matters. Sometimes, we don't understand, so to numb the pain, we find addictions. Some are legal, some not, but most are harmful.

Once we lean into healing and our truths, we find the way out and up. Here's the poem dedicated to Evan's story (out Tues. 5/21)

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
1 month ago - 0 likes

You've heard me discuss the checklist life, as it was one I felt compelled to live. James Brackin's story shows that when you dig deep into what you really want, you can carve your own journey. It can be fulfilling and lead to a great career.

"Odyssey of Self-Reflection" 4/23

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
1 month ago - 0 likes

Tomorrow's episode is with Dr. Marianne Bette. She's found love, lost love, faced thoughts of ending things, climbed back up, found love, lost love again, and found love. Life is a journey of ups and downs. It's what we can learn from each moment that makes it valuable.

Here's the poem dedicated to Marianne's episode on The Life Shift Podcast:

Threads of Sorrow, Tapestry of Life

In the crucible of loss, a heart breaks,
Yet in its fragments, a story awakes.
A tale of grief, of love torn asunder,
A voice in the silence, a heartrending thunder.

A physician of bodies, now healer of souls,
Guiding through darkness, filling in holes.
Her words, like a lighthouse, cut through the night,
A beacon for those in their hardest fight.

The echoes of war, the whispers of pain,
In every loss, what do we gain?
A journey through shadows, a path less taken,
In the heart of despair, we are not forsaken.

A tale of resilience, of life's shifting sand,
Of finding one's footing, of learning to stand.
In the echoes of sorrow, the seeds of rebirth,
In every ending, a new path's birth.

Through the lens of her grief, a world unveiled,
In the heart of loss, life's truths held.
In every story told, in every tear,
A testament to love, to hope, to fear.

In the tapestry of life, threads of sorrow are woven,
In the crucible of loss, the strength of the human spirit is proven.

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to hear Marianne's story tomorrow.

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
1 month ago - 0 likes

Tomorrow's episode is about finding purpose. It's about finding the thing that lights you up. It's about finding a space where work does not feel like work. But first, we must often wade through a stickier place.

Here's "A Journey Unbound" dedicated to James Eshleman.

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
2 months ago - 0 likes

The next three weeks represent a grief sandwich if you will.

Inspiring stories of grief and widowhood and how each step forward makes a difference.

And in the middle - a story of a strong pull and calling away from the expectations of family and society.

Honored to share these stories.

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
2 months ago - 0 likes

Stories of taking control, the Alexander Technique, overcoming trauma, embracing bipolar disorder, and facing widowhood through grief are all coming up over the next three weeks of The Life Shift.

The Life Shift Podcast - Life-Changing Moments
2 months ago - 0 likes

On today's episode of The Life Shift Podcast, Christina Oyola tells her story of 9+ years of back-to-back-to-back-to-back tragedies and traumas, including her mother controlling the birth of Christina's 1st child, the loss of custody of another child, a traumatic brain injury, and... and... and.

Her story needs to be shared. It shows how strong the human spirit can be. I hope sharing her story this way was as cathartic as it sounded. I'm honored that she wanted to share it on The Life Shift.

Please forgive the audio issues and give it a listen.