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Rob Pearson

None subscribers - no pronouns set

Family man. Lover… of live music. Father of 2 & Internationa

Coldplay - Cardiff Stadium Audience singing Viva la Vida Coldplay - Yellow - Live from Cardiff - 06/06/2023 Coldplay - Fix You - Live from Cardiff - Music Of The Spheres - 06/06/2023 The Dead Marshes - Love’s Got a Grip On Me - Live Duran Duran - A View to a Kill - Live from Birmingham - UK - 05/05/2023 Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf - Live from Birmingham - UK - 05/05/2023 Duran Duran - Wild Boys - Live from Birmingham - UK - 05/05/2023 Duran Duran - Waiting for the Nightboat - Live from Birmingham - UK - 05/05/2023 Duran Duran - Rio - Live from Birmingham- UK - Encore - 05/05/2023 Duran Duran - Save a Prayer - Live from Birmingham - UK - Encore - 05/05/2023 Duran Duran - Live from Birmingham - Come Undone - Encore - 05/05/2023 Mill Gill Force waterfall Askrigg Yorkshire Dales The longest single drop waterfall in the UK. Hardraw Force waterfall. Yorkshire Dales Askrigg Waterfall Coldplay - Paradise - Live - Wembley Stadium - 21/08/2022 Coldplay - My Universe - Live - Chris Martin - Wembley - 21/08/2022 Coldplay - Higher Power - Live - Chris Martin - Wembley - 21/08/2022 The Cure - Boys Don’t Cry - Live - Birmingham - 07/12/2022 The Cure - Just Like Heaven - Live - Birmingham - 7/12/2022 The Cure - In Between Days - Live - Birmingham - 7/12/2022 The Cure - Close to Me - Live - Birmingham - 7/12/2022 The Cure - The Walk - Live - Birmingham - 7/12/22 The Cure - A Forest - Live - Birmingham - 7/12/2022 Coldplay - Fix You - Live - Wembley The Cure - Friday I’m in Love - Live - Birmingham - 7/12/2022 Kitten playing with Christmas Bauble