Hi I'm Jessica! Intuitive Tarot Reader|Divine Channeler| Clairvoyant|Reiki Healer|
Living From Problems to Promises! Consciousness Awakenend! I Am A Divine Being of The Light! Coming to Share My Story💯🎟
Every moment must be cherished! Taking the time to ground myself and my spirit. I'm not for everybody and that's okay. When I see myself, I see a woman who has been divinely chosen to walk this life on Earth. No duplications, just as a rose, I am handpicked, unique with it's own sparkle. Radiant within its color, fully blossomed, imperfect, but great enough to know its potential of growth (my growth). I am a rose, vibrant, I come with many layers, some bruises along those layers but still a true beauty. A gift sent from above, I am. Thankful to be a witness to see the beauty in my brokeness. It's been a long journey but this path is just beginning of the Goddess within Me🥰💪🏾