Welcome to Channel 57!
Here I bring together my enjoyment of travel, riding motorcycles, eating, videography, and my prior careers to create a variety of content.
A little about me. I have honorable discharges from both the U.S. Army and United States Marine Corps. I was employed as a deputy sheriff with Los Angeles County from 1988 to 1995. After my early retirement I received a commercial driver's license and drove 18 wheelers for a company located in Salt Lake City, Utah. After almost a year on the road, I changed course and went to college. I earned a B.A. in history, a teaching credential, and eventually an M.A. in Education. I settled into a school district in western Riverside County, California, and recently retired after twenty-three years. I have written two books. One is a memoir of my experiences in law enforcement. The other is a curriculum manual directed at teaching expository writing. Both are available for free at the website, Teachers Pay Teachers (link provided).