Dear Brothers and Sisters , this Channel named as ' ANMOL GEET RATAN ' , is exclusively an entertain program comprised of mainly Hindi Filmi Songs which are ever - memorable and have capacity to create freshness and enthusiasm to the dejected minds. We have tried our best to collect the priceless songs for every PART for the recreation and/or entertainment of our countrymen whether they live across the seven seas or within the holy map of India. We heartily obliged to all our predecessor Channels like Shemaroo Filmi Gane , Goldmine Gane Sune Unsune & others to hear and study these and then create the best bouquet of songs by selecting the heart - touching songs which may definitely fascinate and please everyone who possess a heart full of refined sentiments and delicate emotions which are also the signs of a true Human being of this mortal land. I do hope this CHANNEL , ANMOL GEET RATAN must attain a bright success and popularity because of your kind liking and support .