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164 subscribers - no pronouns :c

I enjoy War Thunder,Splatoon,Minecraft and other games. Hope

To all haters #warthunder #gaming #warthunder I didn’t think that would kill him #warthunder #gaming #tank #gaijined Battle of the Skill issue #warthunder #tank #gaming #gaijined T-54 better than Chieftain #warthunder #tank #gaming #gaijined Stupid fight #warthunder #gaming #tank #gaijined We love the missile #warthunder #gaming #tank #gaijined Dapper fella #memes #cat @RileyLuckysbeans made this picture T44 drive-by #warthunder #gaming #tank #gaijined Russian bias #warthunder #gaming #gaming #gaijined How did I bounce? #warthunder #gaming #tank #gaijined He had too much ammo #warthunder #gaming #gaijined #tank Bias #warthunder #gaming #tank #gaijined Poor centurion #warthunder #gaijined #gaming #tank Land of spirt and pasta #warthunder #gaming #gaijined WACK #warthunder #gaming #gaijined #tank 120mm pen does nothing #warthunder #gaming #gaijin Free kills #warthunder #gaijined #gaming #tank I hate KV-1Bs #warthunder #gaijined #gaming #gaijin #tank Every spawn camper #warthunder #gaijined #gaming #tank Airborne Sherman #warthunder #vdv #military #funny #gaijined Custom warthunder event! #warthunder #gaijined #gaming #history First time seeing that #warthunder #gaijined #tank #gaming Love this tank #warthunder #tank #gaijined #gaming Baby L3 🥹 #warthunder #tank #gaming #gaijin BMP #warthunder #tank #gaijined #gaming That shot 😭🙏 #warthunder #gaming #gaijined #tank Hydrogen bomb vs child #warthunder #gaming #gaijin Hit his ammo and he didn’t die #warthunder #gaijined Sent to the void #warthunder #gaijined #gaming #tank Italian tanks can be fun #warthunder #gaijined #gaming #tank Sorry for not uploading #warthunder #warthundertanks #gaming #gaijined American Bais #warthunder #warthundertanks #gaming #gaijined Sniping #fortnite #gaming Bro went to go see his family #gaming #minecraft #warthunder Average Tiger player #warthunder #gaming #gaijined #tank #warthundertanks So sorry @RileyLuckysbeans #minecraft #gaming Trash plane #warthunder #tank #gaijined Idiot #warthunder #tank #gaming #gaijined He thought he was slick #gaming #warthunder #warthundertank #gaijined Perfect aim #warthunder #tank #warthundertank #gaijined #warthundertank #gaming #tank #gaijined I hate CAS #warthundertank #gaming #tank #gaijin Average WT kill cam #warthundertank #tank #gaming #gaijined T14 is so fun #warthundertank #tank #gaming #gaijined Sherman AA #warthundertank #gaming #tank #gaijin He was not ready #warthundertank #tank #warthunder #gaming #gaijin Stupid plane #warthundertank #warthunder #tank #gaijined