Hello and welcome to our channel!
FAQ is below!
“What videos do you make?”
….We make videos on our travels. This can include interesting places, airplanes/airports, hotels, and whatever else seems worthy enough to film and post.
“Who runs this account?”
…Most of this account is ran by me! I am a 14 year old guy! Sometimes my dad may post random videos on here and I like to work with him to create the best videos possible! I more actively participate/contribute to the channel but it can be said as a father-son duo channel.
“…How long have you been creating videos?”
The account was made long back and features many travel videos that my dad had posted. Since many didn’t gather many views and seemed “random” we decided to unlist them. We took more charge of the channel on July 2022.
“…What’s the target audience?”
There isn’t any specific target audience. Anyone who is interested in the content we make is welcome.
Thanks for reading and visiting our channel!