# short#
Verse of the day & pray
By this channel our intention is to preach message of jesus christ .
By this daily verse channel we have to preach the people word .
mathew# mark # luke # John # act#Roman# 1 chorinthian # 2
Today verse#
Daily verse #
# daily prayer for you
So subscribe our channel for daily verse
#Jesus # life # heaven#
By this channel " verse of the day " & pray we wanto to reach in your heart 💖 we introduce the life of jesus christ who save us from sin that we have done . To protect He came on the to save us . So read the daily verse of jesus christ .
Genesis# Exodus# Leviticus# number# Deuteronomy# Joshua # judges # Ruth # 1 samuael# 2 Samuel # 1 king # 2 king # 1 chrronicle # 2 chronicle # Ezra #nehemia # Esther# job# psalm# proverbs# ecclesiates # song of solmon # Isaiah # Jeremiah # lemetation # Ezkail # Daniel # Hosea # Joel # Amos # obediah # Jonah # Micah # nahum # habbakkuk ,# zephaniah# hagggai Zachariah mwlach