Hello friends... welcome to the @pejuangsholawatcilik Youtube Channel
This Youtube contains videos of Razan learning to pray & learning to know the Prophet Muhammad SAW since Razan was 2 years old, hopefully Razan's videos can inspire other children to learn to know and love the Prophet Muhammad SAW, through chanting prayers.
Please pray for all my friends... I hope Razan can Istiqomah pray, and make the Prophet Muhammad SAW an idol and role model in his life.
Sorry if there are wrong lyrics in the video, the hadroh doesn't quite fit or the sound isn't comfortable for the ears.
this is just a learning process.. learn to love the Prophet from an early age.
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Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb
#Razan Muhammad Ihsan | Pejuang Sholawat Cilik😍💚