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Howdy! I’m Brad Allan, and I Buy, Renovate, and Rent Luxury

1 day ago - 37 likes

Hey subscribers!

I know I say this all the time in my videos, but you have to be very, very selective where you’re picking your home here. You DO NOT want to be out in the boondocks somewhere far away from QUALITY medical care.

Olivia and I attended a wedding last Sunday and unfortunately a large number of the guest got ill. Olivia had a pretty violent reaction and was in the ER last night for nine hours. She’s back home and feeling much better now after their intervention.

While the actual process of care is very different than where we’re from, they were very efficient and provided excellent care. And when we left, the only thing we got was a goodbye and thank you. It has its some shortcomings, but Italian healthcare is tops in my book.

There probably won’t be any videos this weekend as we both have been sick the last three days, but I’ll be filming a bunch of new places soon down with Claudia including amazing palaces for cheap and exploring a whole new village here in Tuscany woth Paolo with Homes starting under €50,000! Only 30 mins from Siena!

Olivia says hi and will see you guys soon on Brads World!

6 days ago - 42 likes

Hey Guys! Interesting and detailed video tonight! Has 3 parts: 1. Tour of one of my rentals in Montepulciano 2. Tour of Subscribers Tim and Bev's new apartment they are going to remodel in Montepulciano in the Historic district and 3. A shopping trip with all of us including Olivia where we introduce Tim and Bev to some of the great stores around here.

BTW: I am going to start hounding you guys to learn your Italian... Here are 100 VERY IMPORTANT words to learn!

Here is a list of 100 important Italian words along with their English translations:

1. **Ciao** - Hello/Goodbye
2. **Buongiorno** - Good morning
3. **Buonasera** - Good evening
4. **Buonanotte** - Good night
5. **Per favore** - Please
6. **Grazie** - Thank you
7. **Prego** - You're welcome
8. **Mi scusi** - Excuse me
9. **Mi dispiace** - I'm sorry
10. **Sì** - Yes
11. **No** - No
12. **Come stai?** - How are you?
13. **Sto bene** - I’m fine
14. **Non capisco** - I don’t understand
15. **Parla inglese?** - Do you speak English?
16. **Dove** - Where
17. **Quando** - When
18. **Chi** - Who
19. **Che cosa** - What
20. **Perché** - Why
21. **Come** - How
22. **Quanto** - How much
23. **Cosa** - Thing
24. **Quale** - Which
25. **Questo** - This
26. **Quello** - That
27. **Qui** - Here
28. **Lì** - There
29. **Io** - I
30. **Tu** - You (singular)
31. **Lui/Lei** - He/She
32. **Noi** - We
33. **Voi** - You (plural)
34. **Loro** - They
35. **Essere** - To be
36. **Avere** - To have
37. **Fare** - To do/make
38. **Andare** - To go
39. **Venire** - To come
40. **Vedere** - To see
41. **Mangiare** - To eat
42. **Bere** - To drink
43. **Dire** - To say/tell
44. **Dare** - To give
45. **Prendere** - To take
46. **Mettere** - To put
47. **Sapere** - To know
48. **Volere** - To want
49. **Potere** - Can/To be able
50. **Dovere** - Must/To have to
51. **Amare** - To love
52. **Piacere** - To like
53. **Capire** - To understand
54. **Conoscere** - To know (someone)
55. **Lavorare** - To work
56. **Studiare** - To study
57. **Giocare** - To play
58. **Vivere** - To live
59. **Morire** - To die
60. **Dormire** - To sleep
61. **Aprire** - To open
62. **Chiudere** - To close
63. **Iniziare** - To start
64. **Finire** - To finish
65. **Leggere** - To read
66. **Scrivere** - To write
67. **Ascoltare** - To listen
68. **Parlare** - To speak
69. **Guardare** - To watch
70. **Camminare** - To walk
71. **Correre** - To run
72. **Guidare** - To drive
73. **Comprare** - To buy
74. **Vendere** - To sell
75. **Chiedere** - To ask
76. **Rispondere** - To answer
77. **Aspettare** - To wait
78. **Trovare** - To find
79. **Perdere** - To lose
80. **Sentire** - To feel/hear
81. **Ricordare** - To remember
82. **Dimenticare** - To forget
83. **Cercare** - To search
84. **Entrare** - To enter
85. **Uscire** - To exit
86. **Salire** - To go up
87. **Scendere** - To go down
88. **Bisogno** - Need
89. **Soldi** - Money
90. **Tempo** - Time
91. **Giorno** - Day
92. **Notte** - Night
93. **Anno** - Year
94. **Oggi** - Today
95. **Ieri** - Yesterday
96. **Domani** - Tomorrow
97. **Ora** - Now
98. **Sempre** - Always
99. **Mai** - Never
100. **Spesso** - Often

These words provide a solid foundation for basic communication in Italian. Study Study Study!!!

1 week ago - 54 likes

Spending the afternoon in Trevignano Romano. Just 1 hour from Rome. Just shot a video of a 4 story home built in a 1,000 year old tower. Much more ample than the last tower home I did.

Look for a great new video this weekend of subscribers new €135.000 apt in Montepulciano. WHAT A DEAL!!

1 week ago - 79 likes

EVERYTHING is less expensive in Italy…! Had both boys groomed today for €100 ($107) total. It was $400 with tip and tax in Texas. Don’t be afraid to bring or acquire pets here in Italy. Food is about the same, but veterinarian services and things like boarding and grooming are about 1/3 of the price.

2 weeks ago - 16 likes

You Want to MOVE to Italy FULL Time…
Have many TOTAL days have you EVER spent in Italy?!?

Comment if you think that is enough or you NEED more!

2 weeks ago - 21 likes

What is driving you to want to LEAVE your HOME country?

And COMMENT where you want to go and live!!

2 weeks ago - 72 likes

Spent the morning getting my friends house, trimmed up and ready to go. Pools been serviced, she’s ready for summer when she arrives in a couple weeks.

Couple new videos on tonight with houses that are under €100,000. Hope you have a chance to watch!


3 weeks ago - 54 likes

Campfire night in Tuscany. Posted a lot of time sensitive videos for this weekend. Hope you guys like them. Some really great deals out there.

Kona, Charlie and I wish you a great night. Oly back in Italy tomorrow finally!

See you on the tours!


4 weeks ago - 25 likes

One of the best parts of Moving to Italy is taking short trips everywhere! Which is on TOP on your list for the FIRST Getaway!?!

4 weeks ago - 17 likes

What is the MOST important thing to do before MOVING to Italy? Subscribe to BradsWorld!