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Scary Interesting

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Scary and interesting stories from around the world! Welcome

Scary Interesting
6 months ago - 2.3K likes


Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a great week. It's been a while since I made one of these posts, so I wanted to say hello and thank you all so much for watching.

This is also a great way to get a bunch of suggestions in one place, so I'd love it if you let me know in the comments if you have any stories that you'd like to see covered.

Finally, I want to make sure that the channel continues to get better over time and doesn't simply coast. So, if you have some suggestions/constructive feedback about ways you think the channel could be improved, I'd love to hear those as well.

Once again, thank you all so much for watching and thanks for your continued support!


Scary Interesting
7 months ago - 924 likes

NEW PODCAST EPISODE - Links below:……

And see you Sunday for another Collection of Horrible Fates!

Scary Interesting
8 months ago - 731 likes


Scary Interesting
8 months ago - 833 likes

NEW PODCAST EPISODE - Why you should NEVER Eat Brains | Podcast Collection 2

You might not need to be told this, but it’s a good idea to avoid eating brains. It doesn’t matter if they’re human brains, cow brains, or the brains of a relative; it’s almost always a really, really terrible idea...

P.S. This is not a real picture

Scary Interesting
8 months ago - 1.8K likes


Hey everyone! I'm super excited to officially announce the highly requested Scary Interesting Podcast! I was going to release it tomorrow, but as I was writing this post, I figured it might be cool for it to come out today instead.

Going forward, it will be every Friday at 11 am EST.

The podcast features brand-new stories similar to what you see here on YouTube but in an audio-only format. The visual portion of these videos takes a lot of time and effort, and since most of you primarily listen anyway, this is a way to bring you more content every week. There are also fewer restrictions on the types of content allowed on podcast platforms, so the stories will be even crazier than usual. I think you'll find that the first episode really demonstrates this, and this is just the beginning...

Here is the link -

You can listen on Spreaker or any of your favourite podcast platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc., using the links on the Spreaker homepage. It will be on google podcasts soon. Approval just takes a little bit longer on there.

I'm thinking about putting the podcast episodes on YouTube, although it will require some editing, so the rollout will be slower. There is also a possibility of the podcast eventually getting a visual portion down the road, but there are no immediate plans.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy the episode, and let me know down below if you have any questions or comments!

Also, giving the podcast a 5-star review wherever you listen will really help get it off the ground.

Have a great rest of your week!


P.S. Someone in the comments on one of the recent videos asked about transcripts for people with hearing impairments. If that was you or you're interested in the transcripts, shoot me an email, and I'd be happy to send them to you.

Scary Interesting
8 months ago - 1.9K likes

Thanks for all the story suggestions!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give a quick thank you to anyone and everyone who has ever suggested a story by email, Instagram, or in the comment section. I get so many suggestions that it's hard to keep track of who sent what. Sometimes, I don't cover a suggestion for months, and by the time I do, I've lost track of who sent it.

In any case, thank you all so much. I cover stories that are sent in pretty frequently, so they are always appreciated, and there's a decent chance I will cover your suggestion at some point.

Also, barring any technical issues, the first Scary Interesting podcast will be airing next Friday at 11 a.m. EST. More details to come soon!

Have a great rest of your week, and see you Sunday!

- Sean

P.S. If you have any stories you want to see, let me know down below!

Scary Interesting
9 months ago - 770 likes

Should I make a podcast (with all brand new content and in addition to the weekly releases on Youtube)?

Scary Interesting
11 months ago - 1.8K likes

Hey everyone! Do you mostly listen to or mostly watch my videos (no wrong answer, just curious)? I put out this poll a long time ago, and I want to see if there's been a change.

Scary Interesting
11 months ago - 867 likes

Hey everyone! I'm having a hard time deciding on a compelling title for today's video. Without any other context, what do think of these two options?