I invite you on a journey to discover our true nature as humans on earth, that I believe is much more complex and wonderful then we can imagine. For instance, how can we explain the Near-Death Experience process? What part of us leaves the body at death and sees and hears everything happening during resuscitation attempts. And how can human observation of the Double-Slip Experiment, change the unobserved outcome of patterns of light? And is there any validity to the 100th Monkey Hypothesis, that says if 1% of a population starts thinking in a new way, it will spread, mind-to-mind, and become the thinking of all the people, even if they are not aware of a change? In my quest to answer these questions I’ve read hundreds of books over a 60-year period. I present this information to uplift and improve the earthly journey we all share. All information is humbly presented in the furtherance of disclosure and ascension. Join me on this life-changing journey of discovery.