About 1 year ago, I was fired from my job as a car salesman. Since then, it has been extremely difficult for me to find a job that I can be good at, and be passionate about at the same time. I am currently unemployed and looking for something full time that can pay my bills. Although a career unfortunately isn't something I can be passionate about, something that I have always loved, and found joy in is the hobby of fingerboarding, and the small but powerful community behind it.
I decided one day I thought it would be fun to make an instagram account dedicated to fingerboarding, and after watching probably one too many Gary Vaynerchuk videos, I made the decision to throw caution to the wind and put my heart and soul into being a Fingerboarding based content creator on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and wherever else I end up. If you like the sound of that, and want to get connected, let's be friends.
I have big plans that I am very excited about, and I hope you can get excited with me!