Uh ive quit
i didnt post a vid about it since my phone has been taken away..permanently
So just know that i love you guys and that ill try to keep up with yall- even if im not posting anymore❤️❤️💕
Hello Humans!!
My name is [Different2]! Or you could call me just Different- I seriously don’t care which one
I have been been doing YouTube/tiktok for I think 5 and a half years now, if I’m not mistaken
My pronouns are any/all, but I do prefer he/him at the moment
I usually post Deltarune Addison skits or just Deltarune skits in general
Fandoms im in:
Happy Tree friends
My goal for subs will be 500
And my dream is to when you search my name up on YouTube…it actually shows my channel(Aka Be Known)
Some of my YouTube friends:
The Litten Maniac Revived
Engineer of the end
Goals hit:
The goal that i actually wanted to hit has already been done, it was to have all of yal💕💕❤️
I’m a minor
Thank you for reading this👍