Hello ojaankians!!😀
Welcome to our OJAANKIANS YouTube channel.this ojaankians channel is prepared by ojaank sir aspirant a ojaankians.ojaanksir is the favorite teacher of every upsc aspirants in india.he is the one of the greatest teacher in the world. we are all OJAANKIANS family respect as pretty as always.this is the best platform upsc cse preparation and other competitive exams. this channel is the one stop solution that gives you the best insight on how to prepare various topics on UPSC syllabus topic and other competitive exams I hope you enjoy the video keep support and share our videos don't forget to like share and subscribe.
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7 to 8 pm
👉🏻 मेरी एक बात हमेशा याद रखना की जब में lbsnaa आवु तो हर्ष ध्वनि का नाद हो विजय का उन्माद हो, ना तेरी ना मेरी बस मेरे देश की बात हो बस मेरे देश की बात हो।
🎯🇮🇳ojaank sir.
👉🏻 IAS व्यक्ति नही व्यक्तित्व का इम्तहान है।
#jay ma Bharti
#inklab zindabad
"I love my india vatan mera India."