I am nothing but a lamp. Do I shine light into darkness. Do we live the same AFTER Christ compared to BEFORE?
Is the ONLY difference God's Grace?
All those chosen by God were TRANSFORMED by God and had a New Nature.
Noah, set apart from the World and obedient to God.
Joseph, set Apart by God from his brothers and obedient to God no matter what happened to him.
Young David, rejected by his family and made fun of but David lived by faith in God.
Jesus, obedient to death for doing His Father's Will.
What about you? Do your friends or old friends think you're strange, weird, different?
Peter BEFORE the upper room was just a fisherman AFTER the upper room and receiving the Holy Spirit.
Was the fisher of men Jesus called him to be.
This is NOT my career or income earning activity. This is my life in Christ. He shares with me and I share with you.