The Quraan is The Word Of Allah(swt)
As salaamu alaikum My youtube family
In my channel u will get the content of Quraan but in tarjuma (translation of Quraan) .
Quraan is the holy book islam.Islam means Submission to the will of Allah(swt).Allah has revealed Quraan to our beloved hazrat mohammed(saw) over the period of 23yrs in the mount of hira .
Quraan has 114 surah, 30 para .Surah Al Baqarah is the Longest surah and Surah Kawthar is the smallest surah.When we read one letter of Quraan we get 10×sawaab(rewards).even for listening also we get sawaab .The 3 key beliefs taught by the Quraan :The oneness of ALLAH(swt) LAILAHA ILLALLAH
THE RESURRECTION [the life after death].Our whole life is not enough for Allah's(swt) Ibadat. But we can try to make better our Akhiraah with the help of Quraan which has been teached by our hazratmohammed(saw) .
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