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Hi! I'm Hanie 🍯♍🇮🇩 Just a simple lonely girl. I upload

2 months ago - 76 likes

Night, every1!
I just finished making a review video about SBA's newest update, features, and stuff. Might be late, because I'm lazy and there's still one assignment left, that I have to finish 😓

Here's the link:

3 months ago - 19 likes

Another speedpaint video:

I think I'm pretty good at drawing humans, even though it's in cartoonstyle.
But anyway, I recommend you to read the video's description, because there's something pretty important for you watchers to read..

3 months ago - 22 likes

Heya, everyone..

This new video is about myself, with voice and face reveal (again). It's for my mid semester test; make a video, doing something like advertising myself or something. If I got a lot of views, then I'll get a higher score and vice versa..

Here's the video.

Help me to get it to 1k views (at least), before the end of this week 🫠

4 months ago - 56 likes


Just some simple test of movements..

I'm lazy to continue the animation (no questions, I'm not spoil anything about it. And also, please don't expect too much; I can't guarantee, that it will be a-minute-long animation). Plus, I'm starting to go college again (after not-so long holiday from last few weeks).

So.. I'm going to postpone it for a while. And I need to find some catchy music or something. I also need to make sure, that all of my assignments are done, so that I can take some peaceful rest, while retrieving my motivation..

Oh.. and btw.. I think, I'm going to delay the backrooms content for a while, simply because of artblock.. so..

Stay tuned ✌️

4 months ago - 45 likes

Fallen heroes will never be forgotten. The war will continue, but at least, they've fought hard and done a lot of great jobs. They're free now..

What happens to robots that get into accidents or disasters? Do their data and memories just disappear or leave a soul behind? Do robots have souls? If they have, what are they like? And if not, do they feel tired of living in this world? And if another robot witnesses the death of its friend, will it gain self-awareness and begin to question the purpose of its life? Will they do something to avenge their dead friends?

These are my fanarts (or tributes of the fallen) and also concepts of the dead agents, in their ghost form (note, that TV Woman isn't dead in the first picture. It's just a part of Brownie's last wishes or something? Yeah.. he's such a hopeless guy). The Elite Agents are in different colors, while the ordinary ones are in their respective color accents.. something..

In the last picture, you can see some odd-looking agent ghosts. It's because, that's the way they're killed. If you get the references, let me know in the comment.

The main references:
- The Force Ghosts, from Star Wars 6.
- 5 ghosts, from 9 the movie.
- The ghosts of the elves, from Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn.

Also, I know that there's a lot of Skibidi Toilet fans out there, who likes to do some editing with cool fanarts and TikTok music. If you want to use my art as a part of your editing, then please ask me first via comment and credit me via tags ✌️

5 months ago - 69 likes

If you don't know, I've uploaded another SBA video:

Next video might be an animation (maybe?).

6 months ago - 64 likes

Happy New Year, everyone!! 🎉🎉🎉
There's not much I can say here (maybe?), because I'm really confused about my current situation, namely that I have to complete all projects as quickly as possible before the deadline, which is the middle of this month.

So, I hope that this year will be better than 2023, which has already been ended 🤞

Oh yeah, maybe there's a thing you need to know; as you can see, that I often move drastically to other topics, like from SBA (Super Bear Adventure) to TSP (The Stanley Parable), then to MSM (My Singing Monsters) to ST (Skibidi Toilet), and so on. And it's actually my habit when I'm bored with one topic; I'll find more topics that interesting to me.

So, don't be surprised, when I create content on new topic, because I will definitely return to the previous ones. After all, this channel is for random contents 👍

6 months ago - 77 likes

These are some explanations, for those of you who are still making comments like, "The enemy has hit you, why don't you lose a Life??" or "You must've used some kind of cheat code" or "This level is impossible to beat, you must be cheating.."

Now, look at the five pictures below. Do you see the boxes around the characters doodles? They're the hitboxes. If you're not a game programmer, you probably don't know what that means.

A hitbox is a series of invisible boxes that surround certain elements in a game (as far as I know, they exist in simulation games, like first-person shooters (FPS), sandboxes, horror games, role-play games (RPG), etc..

If you use certain cheat codes, maybe you can see them (these doodles are just examples. I don't know where they are exactly, because I'm not the developer).

They are usually found in the character you play with (like Baaren and Shicka), the enemies, the NPCs, and special properties that can be destroyed (like a chest that contains Life, ammo, and maybe a hidden item, etc.)

If the enemies hit your character's hitbox, even if it's just a tiny bit, then you'll lose the character's Life. And if they missed the character's hitbox, even if it's so slightly, then you'll not (that's why you can see Baaren seems to be hit several times. But on the other hand, you didn't realize that he actually had avoided the 'near hit' attacks). In my opinion, some characters have layered hitbox, so you need to hit them repeatedly (or if the damage you've done to their hitbox are small).

Baaren's famous attack, Big Stomp, has a special effect to hit every nearby enemies hitboxes. So, if you're surrounded by enemies, use this attack.

In the last pic, you can see that hazardous objects have a different color. So, I think they're like that, because you can't hit them aka their hitboxes aren't responsive to characters attacks at all (say this like a bunch of rocks, rolling down the hills and chasing you. Will you fight it, even though you're gonna defeated by them, or running to the opposite direction?).

These are just what I know. I've read several references, but I'm not sure I'm completely right about this hitbox thingy. Please correct if I'm wrong..

8 months ago - 25 likes

Hi, there! 👋

I'm making an animation test. Let me know, what do you think about it:

8 months ago - 84 likes

Halloween special drawings 🎃
- Wizard Bear and Ragdoll Shicka 🪄
This duo is the best in a School of Magic known for its mysteries and mystical creatures that live around it.

- Ghost Panda and Ghost Shicka 👻
At the School of Magic, of course there are a group of ghost bears and ghost of other animals roaming around. They are invisible during the day, but at night you will be scared to death, because they're not few in number, but many. And they will scare you, just for their fun, no matter if you are nice or mean to them.

- Exercise gone wrong..
In the past, Baaren's Brother was a brave explorer and intelligent Scientist's closest assistant. He went to a faraway places to explore and learn many things, more than any place his little brother had ever gone. He also likes helping the Scientist to carry out crazy experiments in his basement.

But one day, he discovered something very odd; when he was exercising, he accidentally fell and entered another dimension and ended up in a mysterious place. He tried to get out of there, but it turned out to be an endless maze and he started freaking out soon after.

When he was looking for a way out, suddenly a mysterious bear-shaped black entity with glowing red eyes appeared behind him. It immediately disappear as soon as he look at it directly in the face. With pure terror, it scared all the crap out of him and made his soul almost leave his body.

Not wanting to lose his sanity and life, he ran as fast as he could, to every corner of the wall, to every side, to every turn. To everything, anything, something that can get him out of that horrible place.

After he managed to be free from that mysterious place, he thought that perhaps the village where he lived had been haunted and he intended to save everyone there. He explored more places to look for something called "The Kernel". He was sure that, that thing could erase the mysterious entity's existence. However, when he found it and tested the power it had, he forgot his purpose and ended up becoming evil. Whether it was because the entity had possessed him or something, what was clear was that he had completely forgotten his former self.

- Shadow Bear and Shadowtalus 🫥
And those are my designs for the mysterious entity. Also, I think Capitalus had a shadow version of himself, its name is Shadow Capitalus or (Shadowtalus, for short); it is the one that makes the Shadow Bear insane (and probably deceased).