At 19, I left behind the chaos of instability and tragedy, building my van—Gloria—with my own two hands. What started as survival quickly turned into adventure, and what began as a van became my freedom and path to self-discovery. My life on the road has taken me to incredible places, but more importantly, it’s helped me discover the truest version of myself.
Today, my van life and nomadic existence are still my roots, but creativity is where I find my greatest freedom. Whether it’s designing my own life, creating films, or curating stories with humor and inspiration, I’m dedicated to using my art to help others escape, dream, and find their own fearless selves.
Life isn’t just about survival—it’s about creating something extraordinary. Through my films, my videos, and my journey, I hope to entertain, inspire, and remind you to live boldly and unapologetically. So, here’s to the dreamers, the creators, and the ones brave enough to be ridiculous—this is just the beginning :)